Baptist church turned Krishna temple causes double-take in Coconut Grove

Miami, USA – April 13, 2013 (VNN) By JONI B. HANNIGAN via Florida Baptist Witness (FBW) ISKCON Temple Miami It used to be a Baptist church, but now it’s a Hare Krishna Temple. Perched near the western edge of Biscayne Bay, in sophisticated northeast Coconut Grove, one of Miami’s oldest, but eclectic neighborhoods—known for its artistic More...

Festival of Inspiration May 10-12, 2013
New Vrinadavan, USA, April 10, 2013 (VNN) This is your open invitation to attend the 13th annual Festival of Inspiration in the beautiful Appalachian hills of the New Vrindavana community in West Virginia. This More...

North Carolina Won’t Establish State Religion
USA, April 06, 2013 (VNN) By Shushannah Walshe via Yahoo News It turns out North Carolina won’t be establishing its own religion after all. A resolution proposed this week by GOP state lawmakers that More...

ECOV Calls to Service in New Vrindaban
New Vrindaban, USA – April 04, 2013 (VNN) At the start of 2013 ECOV began asking devotees to share their ideas for projects they’d like to make happen in New Vrindaban. We are repeating this request and More...

‘Holi 2013’ Celebrated in Grand Style in Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES, USA – April 04, 2013 (VNN) By Dilip Butani, Special to India-West via Indiawest Seen at the Holi celebrations (l-r): Neelam Tolani, Sunil Tolani, Dilip Butani, Charu Das, Ishwar Deedwania, and More...

Courses at Vrindavan Institute For Highter Education
April 02, 2013 (VNN) – By Damodarastaka Das via ISKCON News Click to enlarge The Vrindavan Institute For Highter Education (VIHE) in the 2013-2014 semesters offers Bhakti-shastri in English as well as Hindi More...

Ramesvara wants back in
April 01, 2013 (VNN) by Bhima das HKM Looks like Ramesvara is making his way back into the BBT. Recently Ramesvara responded to Brhatasloka’s statement that Ramesvara was never a BBT trustee and that Ramesvara More...

Couples Retreat 2013 at Gita Nagari
USA, April 01, 2013 (VNN) Enrich Your Marriage and Strengthen Your Spiritual Connection Rejuvenate Your Relationship with Fun, interactive activities for couples Marriage Tips and Skills Games and Yoga Nature, More...

A Piece of Wisdom off Slauson Avenue
Los Angeles, March 26, 2013 (VNN) By Daniella Segura via Southla “Greetings friend,” said Mr. Wisdom, as a customer came through the door. “Hey Mr. Wisdom, my brother! How are you today?,” More...

Multimillionaire’s Son chose Life of Humility
Miami, March 26, 2013 (VNN) by Michael Kelly via Siddha Vidya das The son of a multimillionaire Omaha businessman long ago turned his back on materialism and took to the streets. For four decades, he More...