Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami

Sucaka Kirtana, by Manohara Dasa sri gopala-bhatta prabhu, tuya sri carana kabhu, dekhibo ki nayana bhariya.(1) (1) Whenever I see the beautiful lotus feet of Sri Gopala Bhatta Prabhu, my eyes flood with tears. suniya asima guna, panjare vindhila ghuna, nichani niya yaire mariya (2) (2) One becomes free from the cycle of birth and death by hearing More...

The Glories of Mahaprasada
(VNN) by Gopal Jiu Publications Gopal Jiu Publications is pleased to announce the release of issue #14 of Sri Krishna Kathamrita magazine, “The Glories of Mahaprasada”. Prasada, the sacred food remnants More...

Vedic Dharma
June 10, 2013 (VNN) by Tattva Vicara A Brief Overview Due to popular demand we have just re-printed 1,000 copies of Vedic Dharma Vol. 1 soft-cover, and 200 copies Vedic Dharma Vol. 1 hard-cover. We have also re-printed More...

The Appearance Day of Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva
May 24, 2013 (VNN) by TVP Books The Only Prayer that Everyone Should Offer yadi dāsyasi me kāmān varāṁs tvaṁ varadarṣabha kāmānāṁ hṛdy asaṁrohaṁ bhavatas tu vṛṇe varam “O my Lord, More...

Review: Give to Live
May 20, 2013 (VNN) Review by Janne Kontala Karnamrita Das, Give to Live. Bhakti Guide Books, 2012. Karnamrita Das (Christopher John Cox) is a long-time practitioner of bhakti-yoga. Initiated to the Gaudiya Vaishnava More...

Voice of Cows (ISKCON Goshala Vrindavan Newsletter)
April 26, 2013 (VNN) Voice of Cows (ISKCON Goshala Vrindavan Newsletter) April-2013 The cow is the most important animal for developing the human body to perfection. The body can be maintained by any kind of foodstuff, More...

Hare Krishna in the Modern World
April 23, 2013 (VNN) a book by Graham Dwyer & Richard J. Cole To most people, the words “Hare Krishna” conjure images of robed monks with shaven heads singing and dancing, or selling copies of More...

Tsunami of Diseases Headed Our Way
April 23, 2013 (VNN) – by Kurmaksetra Dasa Know Your Food Before Time Runs Out We are pleased to announce the global release of the book, Tsunami of Diseases Headed Our Way – Know Your Food Before Time More...

Blazing Sadhus
April 21, 2013 (VNN) – By Achyutananda Dasa Ever since W. Somerset Maugham’s The Razor’s Edge, many books and films have appeared with a similar theme: Screwed-up Westerner goes to the East, turns native, More...