Dealing with Depression

(VNN) by Arcana-siddhi Devi Dasi – “Within days of chanting the mantra regularly on beads, I felt a lifting of my depressed feelings. Light entered the darkness I was so accustomed to living in.” IN THE EVENING of November 14, 1975, I received a phone call in my dorm room at college. Absorbed in studying for exams, I answered nonchalantly, More...

Pizza Vegolution
April 27, 2013 (VNN) by Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti In Hindu Scriptures we find that ghee and yogurt is always used in the rites and pujas and in Ayurvedic cooking, also, the Hindu tradition More...

Vegetarian Cooking & Yoga Retreat
Bambra, Australia – April 10, 2013 (VNN) Do you ever feel like spending a relaxing weekend in the fresh country air soothing your body, eating fantastic food, enjoying wonderful company… Then this is for More...

Couples Retreat 2013 at Gita Nagari
USA, April 01, 2013 (VNN) Enrich Your Marriage and Strengthen Your Spiritual Connection Rejuvenate Your Relationship with Fun, interactive activities for couples Marriage Tips and Skills Games and Yoga Nature, More...

Why Go Veg?
Vegetarian Times People are drawn to vegetarianism by all sorts of motives. Some of us want to live longer, healthier lives or do our part to reduce pollution. Others have made the switch because we want to preserve Earths More...

The Art of True Love
with Hari Nam Singh Khalsa This Saturday, March 16th, 5-9pm 435 Española Way, Miami Beach, FL 33139 This workshop is perfect for anyone looking for a life partner, trying to get the most from an ongoing relationship More...

How to Honor Prasadam
Please accept our humble obeisance. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. For most of us, some of the main activities of our day are in relation to krsna-prasada – purchasing foodstuffs from the market, cooking More...

Castration Is Not Vedic
BY AMARA DASA EDITORIAL, May 4 (VNN) — The recent article Homosexuality and Vedic Culture is correct in its assertion that homosexuals were given a place in society and not rejected and that their blessings were More...