Behind all Religion, Lies the Desire for Honour
by Bhaktivinode Thakur from Tattva Viveka In the depths of jnana, vairagya and so on, and behind all religion, lies the desire for honour, name fame distinction and adoration. To the degree that we endeavour to More...

North Carolina Won’t Establish State Religion
USA, April 06, 2013 (VNN) By Shushannah Walshe via Yahoo News It turns out North Carolina won’t be establishing its own religion after all. A resolution proposed this week by GOP state lawmakers that More...

A Piece of Wisdom off Slauson Avenue
Los Angeles, March 26, 2013 (VNN) By Daniella Segura via Southla “Greetings friend,” said Mr. Wisdom, as a customer came through the door. “Hey Mr. Wisdom, my brother! How are you today?,” More...