Appearance of Narottama Das Thakur

akumara-brahmacari sarva-tirtha-darshi parama-bhagavatottamah shrila-narottama-dasa A brahmachari for his entire life, Narottama Das visited all the places of pilgrimage. He was on the highest platform of devotional achievement. (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.256) Narottama Thakur was Campaka Manjari in Krishna-lila. Eternally assisting Rupa Manjari in her service More...

Eight Prayers Glorifying Lord Nityananda
by Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura (Translations by Srila Gour Govinda Svami) TEXT 1 sarac-candra-bhrdntim sphurad-amala-kantim gaja-gati hari-premonmattam dhrta-parama-sattvam smita-mukham sadaghurnan-netram kara-kalita-vetram kali-bhidam bhaje nityanandam bhajana-taru-kandam niravadhi Sri Nityananda Prabhu’s face More...

Caitanyastaka by Raghunatha Dasa Gosvamin
Translation by Neal Delmonico (Nitai Das) Verse One Hari, after seeing his incomparable self in a mirror in Vraja was born in Gauda in order to taste his own sweetness like the most dear of his sweethearts, Sri More...

Indian civilization: The Untold Story – Raj Vedam
What if the history of India that we learn in our textbooks tells only part of the story, and worse, tells the story incorrectly? What if there are significant periods missing in the narration on Indian history More...

The Life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
March 27, 2013 (VNN) by Srila Bhakti Bibudha Bodhayan Swami On March 7, 1486 the land of Bengal was blessed with the appearance of a great luminary. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, prophesized as the incarnation of More...