December 5, 1999 VNN5027 Comment on this story
Disciple Of My Disciple Video
USA, Dec 5 (VNN) "Disciple of My Disciple" video; 50 min; November release; now available.
For the first time on video, the principle devotees who questioned Srila Prabhupada on May 38th, 1977 and attended him thorughout his final days, speak out on the "guru" issues. HH Tamal Krishna Goswami, HH Satsvarupa Goswami, HG Hari Sauri das, GH Abhirama prabhu, and many others candidly recapture those historical times - and the controversial events that followed. Professor Tom Hopkins offers an academic perspective along with the views of numerous granddisciples and aspring disciples. This 50 minute program invites the inquisitive and curious to experience another dimension, a personal one, to the ritvik debate. (50 min.)
"Sheds light on an otherwise convoluted conflict." "Takes the mystery out of all the word jugglery." "Reveals heretofore unexplained motives." "Sets the record straight." "Goes way beyond the guru proxy issue."
The video is uncensored, and the sole responsibility of ITV Productions, Inc.
The final version of your video, Disciple of My Disciple, was wonderful.
Although I already had many of the same ideas, I felt the video clarified the whole issue, and I feel even more confident to discuss it now.
I think every leader and responsible devotee in ISKCON should see it and make it availavble to as many other devotees as possible. The information and insights contained in the video will surely help devotees better understand Srila Prabhupada's intentions the history of initiations in ISKCON.
Thank you very much.
I just viewed "Disciple of My Disciple" for the first time. This was an extremely good, well-produced and important show. I am sure Srila Prabhupada is most pleased by your service in this regard. Thank you for your steady preaching mood and dedication to His Divine Grace and his movement. It is an inspiration, and I feel most grateful.
your servant, Mukunda Goswami
1-4: $10 5-9: $9 10-24: $8 25-49: $7 50-99:$6 100 +: $5
plus shipping (US $5 + 1 ea. add'l; Canada US$11 + $1 ea. add'l; overseas $14 +$6 ea. add'l)
Available from ITV, PO Box 556, Topanga, CA 90290, mail to:, ph 310-455-8968, fax 455-8978; visa/mc accepted. Also available from Spiritual Effects (UK), BBL (UK), BLS (Radhadesha), ITV Russia.
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