December 5, 1999 VNN5029 Comment on this story
Vedic Culture Remains In The Hollow Earth
EDITORIAL, Dec 5 (VNN) In Shree Ramayana we have two scenes which are suggestive of the existence of inner areas of the Earth. After Shrimati Sitadevi had been kidnapped by Ravanna, Shree Laksman swore to Rama that he would persue the rascal even if Lakshman had to chase him to the " dark hollows of the Earth." In chapter 8 of Kishkindya, Rama proves his ability to Sugriva by discharging an arow which " pierced through seven palms, a rock, and the INNERMOST region of the Earth and in a minute again came back to the quiver."
Now the first comment by Lakshman is not so revealing, really; we already know that huge caverns and openings exist within the Earth. Underneath the midwestern United States there is a huge aquifer, for example, which lies underneath various states. But the second comment seems to suggest not solid rock within the Earth but rather some kind of inner region.
The Puranas tell us that at the end of Kali Yuga the Kalki avatar will be born in the best of Brahmin families of Shamballa, and that he will anniliate the miscreants on the entire surface of the globe. Afterwards, the general Puranic version goes that men will come to the surface from below to re-colonise and re-start Vedic culture.
Well, first of all, such men would have to start the cycle all over again because there couldn't be such a city on the surface at the end of Kali Yuga, nor any brahmin families. Such things simply do not correspond to the final part of Kali Yuga. At the end of Kali Yuga, the Bhagavatam describes that a man of 15 years will be considered very old, and that human beings will have practically no memory, no intelligence, be only a few feet tall and that they will wander around in packs like animals. In this scenario, where is there any scope for a city by the name of Shamballa or brahmin communities?
But in collective Tibetan memory the names of the cities Shamballa and Shangri La figure prominently. According to Tibetan lore, these are major cities in the hollow portion of the Earth. Supposedly, there are entrances in Tibet which lead down there and the Tibetan Buddhists make yearly pilgrimages.
And then there is the testimony of Olaf Jansen. Olaf was a teenager from Norway who went on a fishing expedition in the 1820s with his father. They went in the family sailboat to Spitzenburg, an island above Greenland. After stopping at the Northern side of this island to take on some supplies, they set sail towards good fishing areas. But the boy's father was possessed by a disire to head further North, to the warm lands of the Norse legends, and assured the boy that they would be protected by Thor ( Jupiter, from the word " Thursday " ) and the other Norse Gods. Now, even though this was a bit of an irresponsible risk to take do with one's boy under tow, to the North they went!
They soon met with ice packs and had to carefully negociate their craft among them. Olaf relates that had their boat been any larger, they would not have been able to fit between the icebergs. After about a month of such negociation, the ice disappeared and marvelously, they found themselves in open water, just a few degrees from the pole! This does not correspond to our typical concept of the Polar areas, which we imagine are covered by a solid ice sheet/cap. But actually, practically all the Polar explorers of yesteryear reported open waters near the Poles, and a whole phenomenon called " Polar warming." This results when warmer air from the interior of the planet is expelled from openings near the Poles. At any rate, the two continued on in this way, in open waters, for various weeks.
As they worked their way Northwards, they of course, kept their eyes on the Sun, which was behind them and low on the horizon, following its Equatorial path. At this time, an unusual sighting was made by them, one which has also been made by two of the most notable Artic explorers of all time- Lt. Greely and Nansen. Greely's explorations were taken so seriously that he was eventually promoted to the rank of General in the United States Army, while Nansen was knighted by the crown of Norway. What the boy and his father actually sighted was another, alternate Sun shining ahead of them! Its disk was smaller, and its color was distinctly more reddish than our own Sun, but there it was. They sailed in the direction of this alternate Sun and, as the nose of their craft angled down along the curvature of the Polar opening, the alternate Sun rose higher and they kept it in view as they entered.
Conmeasurately, the larger Sun visible on the surface disappeared from view and sank permanently from the horizon. The Artic exploreres Lt. Greely and Nansen did not quite have this experience as they did not continue into the opening- they seem to have angled down one side of the bowl-like entrance and curved back up again. Consequently, there are those who deem the Sun of these explorers to be a reflection or mirage, but as Olaf and his father followed a route to the interior of the planet, the alternate Sun came clearly into view and stayed.
As they worked their way further in they came to the shoreline of a continent and followed it. They noticed huge trees and mammoths twice the size of elephants. At one point they crossed paths with what the Olaf described as a gigantic ship, bigger than any he had ever imagined. Of course, this was in the 1820s. It seemed to him to be some type of cruise or excursion ship because the decks were flooded with people singing songs in a jolly mood. The two voyagers were met by occupants of the ship and taken aboard. They found themselves in the company of humans of giant stature, the shortest being maybe 12 feet tall!
They were given a welcome treatment in the hollow Earth; they toured the kingdoms of Shamballa the Lesser and Shamballa the Greater. Their boat was taken from city to city and displayed as an object of curiosity and marvel, a midget craft of the tiny men who had wandered in from the surface.
But what did Olaf have to report which would be of interest to us along the lines of Vedic culture in the hollow Earth? Well, we already know that Olaf reported human beings at least 12 feet in stature. Among other things he also reported that they enjoyed a life span of around 800 years, had photographic memory, great intelligence, that they spoke Sanskrit or a close derivative, that they used tilak, were of a Northern European-type of race, prayed to the inner Sun on a string and worshiped a pantheon of gods at least similar to the Hindu one. ( Remember that he was young when he went there and could not communicate too well with them, nor absorb everything ).
He reported that the flowers all had tremendous fragrances and that the fruits were more tasty than on the surface. To anyone familiar with the Puranic descriptions of what the human being was before the advent of Kali Yuga, this is it.
The Bhagavat tells us that Kali Yuga was ushered in as a result of Kala, time. This word Kala has also been used in the Vedic astrological literature synonomously with the term " planetary influence." It seems that the alignments of the planets changed to cause this Yuga. For example, there are very ancient Jyotish shastras, which make reference to Vedic writings, which describe alignments which are no longer observed at this point in the Kali Yuga.
The point being that if planetary influences are responsible for bringing about the Kali Yuga for those openly subject to them on the surface, it just naturally follows, as night follows day, that those who live within the hollow portion of the Earth are protected from such influences and that their standard of body, mind and intelligence have not degraded, at least not as much as ours on the surface. After all, we are only 5,000 years into the Kali Yuga, not 50,000 nor 100,000 years, and they seem to be sheltered by the Earth's crust and various strata.
So could this be the situation? Has a past Vedic brotherhood with our bretheren in the interior been lost to our collective memory? Knowing that there was nothing that they could do, did the other side of the Earthly, Vedic equation distance itself from us and and passively observe the inevitable effects of Kali Yuga come to pass? Plato made a comment to the effect that the Egyptians had closed the doors and retired to the inner realms of the Earth. The original Egyptians were actually Aditi-ans, followers or descendents of Aditi. Is this what Plato meant?
Thus the reader has been exposed to an introduction to the Hollow Earth theory as seen from a Vedic viewpoint. For a more scientific perspective, along with some further folkloric and traditional evidence, thoughtful readers may access Jan Lamprect's hollow Earth site where his new 600 page book is presented, which gives a full expos from the point of view of physics, gravity, geology, seismology, meteorology; as well as in relation to aurorae, radio waves and more: www.hollowplanets.com
And be sure to get on the e - mail list service at the top of the site for further hollow Earth information and updates!
The Olaf Jansen story has an ending, of course, and can be found posted in its complete form at Rodney M. Cluff's hollowEarth site: www.ourhollowearth.com
One has to scroll down and click on " Smokey God " to access the Olaf Jansen story.
I thank the readers for their indulgence and hope that you all enjoy the sites.
Yours Truly,
Dean De Lucia/Dharmapada Dasa
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