September 25, 1999 VNN4795 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
Donor Wishes Otherwise
CALCUTTA, INDIA, Sep 25 (VNN) To All the Commissioners Governing Body Commission ISKCON - 18th Sept.,1999 (Address list below)
Respected Maharajas / Prabhus
Sub.: Stoppage of Commercial exploitation of property being Premises No. 22, Grursady Road. Calcutta.
1. I as a devotee and life member of our esteem organisation and am constrained to remain you that my father Mahadeolall Tulsan alias Radha Pada Prabhu donated the entire money required for acquiring the property being premises 22, Gurusaday Road, Calcutta (also known as, Rainy Park) which is comprised of about 50 Cattahs of land together with building and structures build up thereon. Deeds of Conveyances in respect of the said premises No.22, Gurusaday Road, Calcutta were registered in the name of ISKCON. My father being one of the devotees of Lord Krishna and associated with ISKCON have also donated money from time to time but in particularly in addition to the purchase amount a sum of Rs. 15 lacs was donated for the development of the said premises No. 22, Gurusaday Road, Calcutta.
2. You are well aware that my father Radha Pada Prabhu as the donor of the said premises had expressed his desire through numerous letters on various occasions to have a big Temple with the deities of Radha Gobinda along with Astha- Sakhi ana a Guest House on the said premises No. 22, Gurusaday Road, Calcutta, which was duly consented by BGC Executive Committee & Adridharan Prabhu Calcutta Temple President and with this understanding donation to acquire the said premises was made by my father.
3. By letter dated 10.2.1993 of Radha Pada Prabhu and letter dated 23.2.1993 signed by both then GBC Chairman(92-93) and Chairman(93-94) had confirmed that Temple along with a Guest House shall be build at the said premises No. 22, Gurusaday Road, Calcutta, plans are in motion to begin construction soon. Adridharan Prabhu in his letter dated 20.12.94 has also informed to Radha Pada Prabhu that he has just returned from U.S.A. with design for the new Temple project. But I am sorry to say that due to non construction of a temple my father's earnest desire remained unfullfilled.
4. My father Radha Pada Prabhu has immense faith in the Religious Philoshopy propagated by ISKCON as such also donated the premises No. 3-C, Albert Road, Calcutta and also land at Vrindravan, beside that, he donated deities at Mayapur Temple and other Temples all over and most of the time he is staying either Vrindravan or at Mayapur and his thus displayed enviable dedication and commitment to Radha Krishna.
5. My father Radha Pada Prabhu had strong reservation about the Commercial exploitation of the said property No. 22, Gurusaday Road, Calcutta, by Adridharan Prabhu as will appear from his letters of 1987 & 1994. Inspite of the clear cut warning by Radha Pada Prabhu to all Calcutta GBC Maharajs that (1) "the Calcutta Temple president should have no hand on the income from this property". When and how Adridharan Prabhu was empowered by the Bureau committee to make construction of wedding pandal and use of the pandal for wedding functions and other ceremonies for last 5-6 years.
6. I state that Adridharan Prabhu was exercising his authority in respect of the management of the said property as if the same is his personal property and why Bureau members and GBC did not have control over Adridharan Prabhu. I have questions to ask as to why no proper control, audit has not been exercise by the Bureau members and GBC which is within their power todo so what could be the motive of Bureau members and GBC not to take any action against Adridharan Prabhu in respect of misutilisation of the said property. I am sorry to say that bureau members are quilty of not discharging their duties properly. I state that thorough investigation is required to be made in the matter in respect of the personal gain of Adridharan Prabhu.
7. I understand that serious allegations have been made against Adridharan Prabhu and others that they have collected substantial sums from various persons in consideration of granting permission to use the pandal for wedding and other commercial functions for last 5-6 years for and on behalf of ISKCON but no proper accounts have been furnished nor the entire money given to ISKCON.
8. I further understand that in the year 1987 Adridharan Prabhu had offered a substantial sum to Jayapataka Swami if Jayapataka Swami gives his consent to dispose off the said property No. 22, Gurusaday Road, Calcutta which was ment for making a big temple and a big guest house to which Jayapataka Swami assured that he would not consent to any plan of disposing off the said property.
9. Adridharan Prabhu & Satvik Prabhu should be asked to furnish true and detailed accounts of all the income & expenditure since the purchase of the said premises No. 22, Gurusaday Road, Calcutta and in particular for the last 5-6 years, in respect of funds raised client wise from Marriage/ Parties/Catering Services/Breakfast Services including donation & other receipts. I do not know whether Income Tax return have been filed regularly for the last several years and if so, copies of Profit Loss Account and Balance sheet filed with income tax department should also be prepared and audited by a team of independent by the majority members of governing Council (Bureau).
10. Adridharan Prabhu should be asked to deposit the money if held by him and not deposited in the bank account of ISKCON Trust so far.
11. Recently on 14.7.99 the temporary structure built at the said premises was burnt due to the fire. The said temporary structure was made at the said premises for holding marriage function and other commercial activities. It was wrongly reported in the Telegraph on 16.7.1999 that pandal was meant for Ratha Yatra Festival.
12. I request the present Bureau members and GBC to ensure that Adridharan Prabhu and Satvik Pravhu and other officials and devotees of Calcutta Temple are stopped immediately from reconstruction of any structure whether temporary of permanent at the said premises for the purpose of conducting marriage or other function.
13. On 12.8.99 Adridharan Prabhu before leaving for U.S.A. on 4 weeks trip had a long telephonic conversation with me. I request Adridharan Prabhu to desist from making reconstruction of pandal for marriage and rather to make preparation of plan for construction of Radha Krishna Temple at the said premises as early as possible to fulfill the cherished desire expressed by my father whi is now 78 years old. Adridharan Prabhu argued, that donor's wishes apart, other life members and devotees of ISKCON insist that the usage of the said premises for wedding and other ceremonies should continue. Therefore he is going ahead with the reconstruction of structural and also taking advance from prospective clients for booking the space for marriages to be held some times in Nov -Dec'99. I pointed out and suggested that the said premises is meant for Radha Krishna Temple and a Guest House and not for marriage functions. I further suggested that both Adridharan Prabhu and my father Radha Pada Prabhu should sit together to 14. I regret to record that inspite of lapse of several years the Temple as desired by my father could not be built and at the said premises No. 22, Gurusaday Road, Calcutta, which was being exploites for commercial activities by a few greedy individuals.
15. I am grateful to ISKCON and full agree with the views of ISKCON as released in the press Notification sated 22.8.99 in dailies - Vishwamitra and Telegraph stating the "ISKCON intend to build Radha Krishna Temple along with a guest House in order to carry out the directions of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedant Swami Srila Prabhupada and to fulfill the desire of donors of the said property. In view of the above please be informed that henceforth no wedding or other such functions should be held at the said premises" and construction of the temple shall be commenced without further delay.
Hope this submission will find you in good health and blissful Krishna Consciousness.
Yours faithfully
BIR KRISHNA GOSWAMI Chairman, ISKCON GOVERNING BODY COMMISSIONER 1032, Dimmocks Mill Road 27278, Hillsborough North Carolina (New Gloka) E-Mail GOPAL KRISHNA GOSWAMI GOVERNING BODY COMMISSIONER Chairman ISKCON Bureau, Calcutta Property Trustee ISKCON Hare Krishna Land JUHU, Mumbai - 400 049 E-Mail JAYAPATAKA SWAMI Governing Body Commissioner Vice-Chairman ISKCON Bureau, Calcutta Property Trustee Mayapur, Nadia, West Bengal, E-mail BHAVANAND PRABHU ISKCON Calcutta Property Trustee SYDNEY TEMPLE 180 Falcon St., North Sydney,NSW 2060 E-mail GIRIRAJ SWAMI ISKCON Hare Krishna Land JUHU Mumbai- 400 049. E-mail Contd . . . -: 2 :- SRIDHAR SWAMI ISKCON Hare Krishna Land JUHU Mumbai- 400 049. LOKNATH SWAMI ISKCON Santa Nagar Main Road (Garhi) Behind Nehru Place Complex New Delhi- 110 065. E-mail BASU GHOSH PRABHU ISKCON Hare Krishna Land Gotri Road Baroda - 390 021 E-mail BHANU SWAMI ISKCON 59, Burkit Road T. Nagar Chennai - 600 017. E-mail BHAKTI PURUSHOTTAM SWAMI ISKCON MAYAPUR, Nadia,West Bengal. KADAMBA KANANA SWAMI ISKCON Krishna-Balaram Mandir Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg Raman Reti Dist. Mathura Vrindavana - 281 124 (U.P.) E-mail BHAKTARUPA PRABHU ISKCON N.H. No.: 5, IRC Village,Bhubaneswar - 751 015 Orissa. Contd . . . :- 3 :- BHAKTI CHARU SWAMI ISKCON Mayapur, Nadia,West Bengal. DEVOKINAND PRABHU ISKCON Hare Krishna Land JUHU,Mumbai- 400 049. BHIMA PRABHU ISKCON Hare Krishna Land JUHU,Mumbai- 400 049. YASHOMATI NANDAN PRABHU ISKCON Sattelite Road, Gandhinagar Highway Crossing Ahemadabad - 380 054. E-mail RASRAJ PRABHU ISKCON Hare Krishna Land JUHU, Mumbai- 400 049. MAHAMAN PRABHU ISKCON Krishna-Balaram Mandir Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg Raman Reti, Dist. Mathura Vrindavana - 281 124 (U.P.) MADHU PANDIT PRABHU ISKCON Hare Krishna Hill 1 'R' Block,Chord Road Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore - 560 010 E-mail ADRIDHARAN PRABHU ISKCON 3C, Albert Road Calcutta - 700 017. E-mail Related VNN Stories Comment on this story Contact VNN about this story Send this story to a friendThis story URL:
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