September 17, 1999 VNN4737 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
'All Of Us Should Hear Prabhupada' Banned At IRG Meeting
USA, Sep 17 (VNN) A member of the I.R.G. recently contacted the Prabhupada Sankirtana Society in New York. He told Kapindra Swami that no literature from Prabhupada Sankirtana Society including the newly finished book, ALL OF US SHOULD HEAR PRABHUPADA could be distributed at the I.R.G. meeting in New York on Sunday August 15th.
If anyone would like a copy of ALL OF US SHOULD HEAR PRABHUPADA which is a compilation of quotes from Srila Prabhupada on the importance of hearing from a self-realized soul, then please contact Mukunda dasa at:
In the Fourth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Twenty-ninth Chapter, verse 40, the importance of hearing of the pastimes of the Lord is stated by Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit: "My dear King, one should stay at a place where the great acaryas [holy teachers] speak about the transcendental activities of the Lord, and one should give aural reception to the nectarean river flowing from the moonlike faces of such great personalities. If someone eagerly continues to hear such transcendental sounds, then certainly he will become freed from all material hunger, thirst, fear and lamentation, as well as all illusions of material existence."
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also recommended this process of hearing as a means of self-realization in the present age of Kali. In this age it is very difficult to follow thoroughly the regulative principles and studies of the Vedas which were formerly recommended. However, if one gives aural reception to the sound vibrated by great devotees and acaryas, that alone will give him relief from all material contamination. Therefore it is the recommendation of Caitanya Mahaprabhu that one should simply hear from authorities who are actually devotees of the Lord. Hearing from professional men will not help. If we hear from those who are actually self-realized, then the nectarean rivers, like those which are flowing on the moon planet, will flow into our ears. This is the metaphor used in the above verse.
(N.O.D. Chapter 10)
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