December 10, 2004 VNN8791 Related VNN Stories Iskcon Chapter11 Announcement
BY GUPTA DAS USA, Dec 10 (VNN) Information supplied by the claimants in the Proof of Claim form is used as a basis to evaluate claims. Rather than the Debtors filing an objection to every Proof of Claim which contains incomplete or unreadable information, a Request for Additional Information packet has been mailed to each claimant instead. If you are represented, that packet was mailed to your attorney.
By responding to the questions in the packet, all claims can be comprehensively and fairly evaluated.
For various reasons some of those packets have recently been returned to the Sender as undeliverable. If your name is listed on the linked page, accessed below, or if you are a reader who knows the address for a person listed, please send an email to with the current mailing address. The linked page will be updated from time-to-time as current address information is confirmed, and as additional undeliverable mail is returned to the Sender. Click on this link to review those regularly updated names: