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February 13, 2004 VNN8551 Related VNN Stories
 No Funding For ISKCON Child Protection Office

 USA, Feb 13 (VNN) Dear Maharajas and Prabhus, please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
We are writing to inform you that the ISKCON Child Protection Office (CPO) has no funding to continue its operation. Thus, the activities of the office, including investigating cases of alleged child abuse connected with ISKCON, coordinating a grant program for youth who were maltreated when they were children under the care of ISKCON, serving as a resource and guidance center for all varieties of child protection concerns, and facilitating temples and schools to establish child protection educational programs, effective screening systems and child protection teams, are being suspended, or at least substantially reduced. We are aware that there are tens of thousands of dollars in unfulfilled pledges to the CPO from 2003.
The ISKCON Communications Office is working to realize these pledges for the CPO. The CPO will retain its office space and phone lines for at least a few more weeks, in the hopes that some or all of these pledges will be received, thus allowing the CPO to continue functioning. Also, we understand that additional pledges and donations for the CPO may be made at the upcoming GBC meetings.
Thank you for your attention in this matter. Hare Krsna.
Your servants,
Dhira Govinda dasa CPO- Director
Krsna Kesava dasa CPO- Administrative Assistant
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