June 19, 2000 VNN6038 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
Official Decision On Maha-Mantra Dasa
USA, Jun 19 (VNN) Dear Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I'm enclosing the official ICOCP decision on the case of Maha-mantra dasa (Matthew Zacharias). If you decide to print this decision - which I hope you will - you may want to head it with a disclaimer stating the following:
Although the following statement is the Official Decision on the case of Maha-mantra dasa by the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection (ICOCP), it was not submitted to VNN by the ICOCP.
Many thanks for your interest and support in this case - very much appreciated.
If you have any further questions or comments, please let me know.
Hoping all is well.
Your servant, Padmapani das
Although the following statement is the Official Decision on the case of Maha-mantra dasa by the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection (ICOCP), it was not submitted to VNN by the ICOCP.
Official Decision on the case of Mahamantra dasa
This judgment, decided on May 15, 2000, was rendered in accordance with the guidelines for adjudicating cases of alleged child abuse established by the ISKCON Child Protection Task Force Report and ratified by the ISKCON Governing Body Commission. This judgment is the official decision of the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection (ICOCP) on the child abuse case of Mahamantra dasa (Matthew Zacharias).
This decision defines the parameters of the relationship of Mahamantra dasa with ISKCON. The ICOCP advises child abuse victims, their parents, and all members of the ISKCON organization to report allegations of child abuse to governmental social service and law enforcement authorities. Also, the ICOCP advises all members of ISKCON to learn and follow their local laws regarding child abuse and mandated reporting of child abuse.
Mahamantra dasa is a white-bodied person who has received initiation from Satsvarupa Maharaja and who recently has been serving in Western Canada.
The ICOCP has corresponded with Mahamantra dasa, and he has had full opportunity to respond to all accusations made against him that have been received by the ICOCP. Full documentation of this case, including all the responses of Mahamantra dasa, is on file with the ICOCP.
Based on the evidence described above this panel of the ICOCP has determined that Mahamantra dasa is culpable for child neglect, especially emotional neglect, and also neglecting to provide reasonably hazard-free shelter and appropriate medical care. Additionally, Mahamantra dasa physically and psychologically abused children under his care, and he also engaged in voyeurism. Further evidence presented to this panel shows that Mahamantra severely mistreated his wife and that this was witnessed by the children, adding to the atmosphere of terror and intimidation in which they lived.
Based on the evidence described above, this adjudicatory panel of the ICOCP has determined that Mahamantra dasa should have no connection with ISKCON or ISKCON-affiliated projects for 2 years from the date of this Official Decision. During this time he may not visit ISKCON property, or the property of projects affiliated with ISKCON, or attend programs connected with ISKCON or ISKCON-affiliated projects. After that time he may apply to reestablish connection with ISKCON. His application will be considered if he complies with the following:
1) He must undergo a psychological evaluation that focuses on his potential danger to children. The evaluator must be pre-approved by the ICOCP.
2) He must comply with recommendations for ongoing mental health therapy given in the psychological report and by the ICOCP. If Mahamantra dasa has already participated in any sort of mental health therapy, and if he can suitably document this, then this endeavor on his part will be considered toward the fulfillment of this condition. We want to emphasize, however, that these conditions for psychological evaluation and counseling require extensive internal, therapeutic work on the part of Mahamantra in order to be satisfied. That is, a few weeks or months of therapy will not satisfy these conditions. Mahamantra needs to undergo extended therapy with a mental health professional experienced in dealing with abuse issues. This panel believes that Mahamantra dasa has serious problems that pose a threat to children under his care. We strongly encourage Mahamantra dasa to comply with these conditions, for the good of himself and those with whom he associates.
3) Mahamantra dasa must fully cooperate with all governmental investigations into accusations of misconduct on his part.
4) He must write apology letters to his child abuse victims. In these letters he must fully acknowledge his transgressions of child abuse, and he must take full responsibility for those actions. Also, he must express appropriate remorse, and offer to make amends to the victims. This letter should be sent to the ICOCP, not directly to the victims.
5) He must pay restitution to the victims, in an amount that he can negotiate in consultation with his former wife and the ICOCP.
6) He must contribute at least $5,000 to an organization that serves Vaisnava youth, such as Children of Krishna, the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection, or a gurukula approved by the ICOCP.
If Mahamantra dasa complies with the six items described above, then the ICOCP will consider his application for reinstatement. If he is reinstated, then his relationship with ISKCON must be restricted as follows:
7) Mahamantra dasa cannot reside overnight on ISKCON property or on the property of an organization affiliated with ISKCON.
8) Mahamantra dasa cannot lead kirtanas or give class at an ISKCON temple or at an ISKCON function, or at any function of an organization affiliated with ISKCON.
9) Mahamantra dasa cannot perform any service for ISKCON or an ISKCON-affiliated organization that involves association with children (A child is defined as a person under 18 years of age).
10) Mahamantra dasa must show this document to the temple president or facility manager of any ISKCON temple or project that he visits, and obtain a signed statement that the president or manager has read this decision. Mahamantra dasa must send the signed copy of the decision to ICOCP.
11) Mahamantra dasa cannot visit ISKCON property or attend an ISKCON function if his child abuse victims or their family members are present, unless, uncoerced and without manipulation, they give their consent.
12) Mahamantra dasa is not permitted to hold any positions in the ISKCON organization, or in any organization affiliated with ISKCON.
13) If Mahamantra dasa violates any of the dictates of this Official Decision, then he can have no association with ISKCON temples or projects until his case is reviewed by the ICOCP. This ban means that he cannot enter ISKCON property or the property of any organization affiliated with ISKCON.
These judgments constitute the minimum restrictions that an ISKCON organization may place on Mahamantra dasa. Any specific ISKCON organization may choose to invoke more stringent restrictions.
If any of the accusations of child abuse against Mahamantra dasa are adjudicated by a governmental legal process, the ICOCP will accept the result of that adjudication, and this Official Decision may be adjusted accordingly.
In the course of this investigation the ICOCP received many allegations of spousal abuse against Mahamantra dasa. These accusations were dealt with in this Official Decision to the extent that they related to psychological child abuse and emotional child neglect. The ICOCP offers its assistance in investigative and adjudicatory procedures to any ISKCON entity that addresses the spousal abuse allegations against Mahamantra dasa. The ICOCP herein emphasizes that it is of great importance to the integrity of the society that such transgressions are investigated and resolved. In this instance it is clear that the safety net of the ISKCON society was very inadequate in caring for and listening to the former family members of Mahamantra dasa.
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