June 6, 2000 VNN5999 Comment on this story
New Books
INDIA, Jun 6 (VNN) As the present Mahant 108 Sri Ananta Dasa Babaji Maharaja is the 34th representive of the Gaddi (chair) of Sri Raganatha Dasa Goswami. He has been residing at Sri Radha Kund and doing intense bhajan there for the last 40 years. For many years he preached extensively throughout Vraja Mandal before being requested by His Gurudeva Sri Kunja Behari Dasa Babaji to write profusely on the Gaudiya Vaisnava tattva, lila and siddhanta for the benefit of the devotees who are attached to the pure teachings of the predecessor acharyas, the Six Goswami of Vrindaban.
In this age when the unalloyed teachings of Gaudiya Vaisnavism have become unclear and distorted due to a misunderstanding of the science of raganuga bhakti sadhana, which is the unprecedented gift of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, has however for the most part become practically unattainable for the aspiring sincere devotees who have not had the chance to live and associate with the elevated vaisnava's who reside and do bajan in such holy places as Radha Kund. His Divine Grace Sri Ananta Dasa Babaji Maharaja shines ever increasing light on the essence and sweetness of the rich nectarean mellows of Prema Bhakti, awakening in the heart the feelings and the desire of a humble listener to follow the path of raganuga sadhana bhajan as practise and preached by all the bonafide previous acharyas and parampara's in the line of Sri Rupa and Sri Raganatha dasa Goswami.
Renowned for his deep insight and brilliant lectures on rasa tattva, Sri Ananta Dasa Babaji Maharaja is widely respected by all the main centers of pure traditional Gaudiya Vaisnava schools in Bengal, Orrissa and Vraja mandal.
Always internally absorbed in the rememberance of the daily pastimes of the Divine Couple Sri Sri Radha Krishna in manjari bhava, Sri Ananta Dasa Babaji Maharaja has become recognised as the foremost Gaudiya Vaisnava acharya who is fulfilling the inner desire of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, that the message of prema bhakti be preached and distributed throughout the world for the spiritual welfare of all aspiring souls on the journey of divine love. Books can be ordered:
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Books available with Ananta das babaji Maharaja comentary translated by Advaita das: Raga vartma candrika Sri Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi Sri Sri Prema Bhakti Candrika Sri Siksastakam Bhakta Tattvz Vijnana / Guru Tattva vijnana Sri Sri Stavavali Sri Sri Vilapa Kusumanjali Utkalika Vallari Sri Sri Vraja Vilasa Stava Sri Sri Caitanyastakam
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