June 6, 2000 VNN6001 Comment on this story About the Author Other Stories by this Author
Srila Prabhupada Festival Report
USA, Jun 6 (VNN) Devotees came from all over the world to attend the 9th annual Prabhupada Festival in New Dwarka, Los Angeles. The highlights were the ecstatic kirtans led by Vaiyasaki Prabhu, Vaisyaseka Prabhu and the songs performed by Mangalananda Prabhu. The Kirtans were extra long and extra potent with all of the visiting devotees joyfully joining in. The devotees chanted and danced together like peacocks, (and some like bulls) and feasted together sumptuously. Srila Prabhupada has said that the festivals are the life of Krsna Consciousness and the older and newer devotees and guests realize that when they happen. | |
The festival showed how we are all one big family with Srila Prabhupada at the head and that we can cooperate for the common (or uncommon!) good if we really want to. This is the way to please Srila Prabhupada and thus please Lord Chaitanya, Srimati Radharani and Lord Krsna. When They are pleased, naturally we are pleased. Srila Prabhupada has said that the festivals are the life of Krsna Consciousness and the older and newer devotees and guests realize that when they happen. The mercy is there for everyone; we just have to come and take it!
Mangalananda Prabhu sang his famous songs to all of the devotees delight. When he sang "Oh Govinda within my heart" our hearts melted and most of the devotees sang along; many with tears. The song was so well received that he sang it again as an encore. Then Bardaraja led heart felt bhajans late into the night. A beautiful stage was erected with a nice waterfall and pool in front. Srila Prabhupada appeared to be alive in his murti form, (as he is!) as he sat high on his beautiful golden vyasasana, overseeing the stage and all of the devotees who came to honor him. It was a very emotional event as hearts were touched and opened by the mercy flowing.
Srila Prabhupada's garden was renovated and a samadhi was installed. Srila Prabhupada gave class by video and a new Prabhupada Memories video was shown featuring Syamasundara Prabhu's pastimes about Srila Prabhupada with the beatles etc. There was a Maha-Harinama at the famous 3rd street Promanada which was a highlight for many.
The prasadam was also great as it always is at the Prabhupada festival. Gurudas Prabhu and others told many nectarean pastimes about Srila Prabhupada and many devotees were enlivened and some brought to tears by hearing the nectar about His Divine Grace.
The Prabhupada festival was very enlivening for all who were fortunate enough to attend. There were no politics to be seen anywhere and I think this will ensure the success of all of the festivals in the future. Since it was so positive I think more and more devotees will attend every year. All glories to all of the devotees who worked so hard to put on such a nice festival. I can't name them all but Krsna knows and that's what counts! All glories to our Jagat Guru Srila Prabupada!
Best wishes, Yours in the service of Sri Sri Guru and Gouranga, Gauridasa Pandita Dasa Gauridas@Aol.Com
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