February 4, 2000 VNN5407 Comment on this story
HH Bhakti Caru Swami Resigns From GBC
USA, Feb 4 (VNN) Text COM:2973283 (175 lines) From: Bhakti Caru Swami Date: 31-Jan-00 06:20 +0530 To: GBC Discussions [9421] Subject: My resignation from the GBC ------------------------------------------------------------ The following text from Ameyatma Prabhu made me aware of some stark reality and led me to make certain decision.
" Letter COM:2960693 (144 lines) From: Internet: Ameyatma.ACBSP Date: 26-Jan-00 06:33 To: Bhakti Caru Swami [18473] To: Jayapataka Swami (GBC) [57038] (received: 27-Jan-00 11:09) Cc: Sivarama Swami [20647] (forwarded: 26-Jan-00 06:40) Cc: Prithu (das) ACBSP [21431] (received: 26-Jan-00 11:05) Subject: Mad ness ------------------------------------------------------------ Please excuse my intrusion, again, but I have been involved in the this debate for months regarding Madu.Radha. I read the posting where JPS says that MRdd has apologized and asked for forgiveness, and it sounds that he has forgiven, so all is well. And Bhakti Caru says he wrote her and got a nice response. Do you people live in an ivory tower?
She is being very duplicitous. She knows who she has to be sweet and innocent to. Some women are expert in such trickery. I am not saying she is totally underhanded and cognisantly and overtly duplicitous, but, actions do speak louder then words.
In mid December Mahananda Prabhu, who is the one who first reacted to Dhyanakund's post belittling SP, and whom MRdd immediately kicked of the forum she was moderating, he again tried to post to the Topical Discussion group and again MRdd kicked him off. She does not want such a person on the conference. She said he belongs to a "hate" group. Mahananda is a sweet Prabhupada disciple who hates no one. All he did was ask that SP not be belittled and warned that DKdd would go to hell if she continues making such offenses. That was not a statement of hate, it was a statement of love. His and most devotee's mood was not to curse her or anyone to go to hell, but it was to preach that anyone who offends the pure devotee will go to hell.
She has 'apologized' to you two, but what about to JPS's God brother, Mahananda?
And, what got everyone real riled up was not DKdd's statements as much as it was MRdd's actions of defending DKdd and demonizing people like Mahananda. As much as she has asked 'you' for forgiveness, she has not asked the Vaishnav(s) whom she actually offended for forgiveness, nor has she changed a single iota in her mood toward them. Therefore I see all this talk from JPS and BCS of forgiveness and apologies, etc, as simply white wash. Not that you are white washing, but you have been white washed and don't even know it.
Also, it was in December that Chakra, under MRdd posted Ananda's article which at least I and many others see as being again very offensive to and belittle's SP's position. I do not see that ANYTHING has changed.
MRdd continues to have the position of moderator over forums, she still kicks off her God uncles whom she still has not apologized to (you can only get forgiveness from the Vaishnav you have directly offended, so her asking you two for forgiveness is meaningless). She continues to publish and support people and articles that continue to belittle SP.
And she is connected with Chakra in a postion of controlling the content of the web site.
On the front page of Chakra is a URL to Chakras open discussion forum.
You know, many devotee children - teenagers, and Vaishnav - respectable gentlemen and ladies - as well as college professors, etc, can freely access Chakra. Here are some posts she allows on the open forum which is easily accessible from the front page:
[I must remind you that she will not post anything I send because I both am favorable to polygamy - based on SP's instructions, and I have a page on my web site called Moonshadows that argues that the US has not gone to the moon. MRdd convinced Vipra and Umapati not to post any of my articles because, according to MRdd, she did not want that ISKCON be associated with such a person who would speak favorably about polygamy (the only favorable things I say are direct quotes from SP) and who argues that we did not go to the moon. In her arguments she claimed that what would the intellectuals think if they saw one of ISKCON's members preaching such things? - yet she seems to have NO Problem with the same intellectuals or young Vaishnavis reading the following filth that is now published on Chakra ] [ Warning: contains language not fit for saintly souls] Open Forum ---- Re: Yes, b.dasi IS crazy From: Date: 17 Jan 2000 Time: 15:45:03 Remote Name: Comments Hahahhahhahha You are a CRAZY BI...(snipped by VNN editor)!!!! Go smoke some more ganja. But please tell the next victim you fu...(snipped by VNN editor) that their head is gonna be choped off!!!!!
You stupid bitch! How does it feel to have fucked a ghost????
From: Das Anudas Date: 17 Jan 2000 Time: 12:37:27 Remote Name:
Don't concern yerself over me. I'm going out to get myself some B.C. finest, a 6 pack, put on some bluesy tunes and call them up myself.
Don't worry, crazy bi...(snipped by VNN editor), I don't worry about you. I have to agree with one thing: BC has the finest buds. But that's about it, I wouldn't share a joint with you even if you were the last soul alive. I'm much too happy to be involved in your little/petty jihad against ACBSP.
Hahaha yourself, wench.
=============== Mother Bhakti is B.dasi From: Das Anudas Date: 17 Jan 2000 Time: 15:55:45 Remote Name: Comments Mother Bhakti is an unrepentant witch who seduced Jayatirtha. She has many problems, but the biggest one is that she tries to blame it on Srila Prabhupada. That's too bad, Srila Prabhupada gave her a chance, but she blew it by blo...(snipped by VNN editor) Jayatirtha.
The GBC have all proven themselves totally incompetent to manage. Srila Prabhupada's honor was attacked and those who defended the attackers have instead been given protection by the GBC. JPS seems to be more concerned with defending MRdd then he is in defending devotees like Mahananda Prabhu who stood up to defend SP's honor. What a disgrace. Not one of you have taken an interest to see that those she has offended have been amended.
You have not seen that she has forgiven them, nor have you stood up to side with them. It seems the grand-disciples are more important to them even at the risk of SP's honor, then the honor of their Godbrothers.
MRdd still has the position and power - allowed by her guru and the GBC to continue to keep Mahananda off the same conference, she has not changed at all, and all the GBC are doing is passing each other notes of praise saying how nice they both are - and how nice the whether is in hell.
While no real action has been taken. If JPS is so busy with so many other important engagements that he does not really know what is going on on the front lines, then delegate to the other GBC who do know, like Prthu Prabhu who has first hand experience down in the pits, and let those GBC handle these maters and get something done for real, not virtually. Then pat each other on the back. In the real world the rest of us out here have not seen any positive meaningful action at all. It is dismal.
ys ameyatma das (Text COM:2960693) -----------------------------------------" I agree with Ameyatma Prabhu and feel extremely embarrassed being a party to the plot that he is addressing here. I should have considered the matter a little more deeply before pronouncing my praises about Madhusudani Radha dd. As a matter of fact a couple of months back I voiced my concern about this issue in the com after receiving a letter from Shyamasundar Prabhu. And when Jayapataka Maharaj mentioned that she apologized for her mistake I felt satisfied and decided to drop the issue.
However, now I can see that that apology was not real.
I don't know Ameyatma Prabhu personally, nevertheless, I hear his voice as the echo of the helpless cry of many sincere followers of Srila Prabhupada. I feel extremely regretful about my inability to do anything to defend Srila Prabhupada's honor and protect his ISKCON. Therefore, I hear by submit my resignation from the GBC as one of its members.
Your humble servant, Bhakti Caru Swami.
(Text COM:2973283) -----------------------------------------
For reference see: "I Just Have A Big Problem Trusting Persons"
MRdd = Madhusudhani Radha dd, disciple of Jayapataka Swami and co-editor of CHAKRA
DKdd is Dhyanakunda dd, former disciple of Krsna Ksetra Prabhu, she is presently engaged in translating and editing for the NE BBT.
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