July 22, 1999 VNN4343 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
No Devotee Should Be "Hanged"
USA, Jul 22 (VNN) Dear Madhusudani Radha prabhu. Hare Krsna. AGTSP PAMFO.
I do not know you, but I can certainly say that I would hope that you would never say yes to being asked to do jury duty: You would have the defendant judged BEFORE the trial - despite your email saying, "let's not 'hang' Malati". I agree; NO devotee should be "hanged". (A devotee would NEVER think in those terms with relation to another devotee.) Speaking about possible problems; that is another issue. If there are problems, someone responsible, should take a look into the matter to make appropriate correction if needed, NOT to "hang" someone. A devotee does whatever s/he does, out of compassion, even cutting a boil. "Hang" is such an inappropriate word for a devotee to use in this sense.
Prabhu, I have never met you, nor have you ever met me, and yet you are making an assessment as to my mental health, even going so far as to say that I may be "mentally ill".
Someone has sent me two emails from you, which I will include at the end, as to your statements about me which you have sent to numerous devotees within ISKCON.
First, with regard to my mental state of health, WHERE are you getting your information from? Is it from anyone who is able to make a proper psychological assessment? Where is the psychological report? Why do you accept some statement, (from probably Bhaktitirtha Swami and Malati), without checking me out yourself? You will say, "let's not hang Malati", and yet, you, never even having met me, will "hang" me as being, "probably one 'mentally ill' individual".
Where are you drawing your conclusions from? (I do think I know the source(s) - Bhaktitirtha Swami and Malati.) Bhaktitirtha Swami has been telling devotees this for years, to try to discredit my name and character, ONLY because of my being aware of his particular difficulties while in Nigeria in 1990. (No need to go into details: Why speak of these matters, unless asked. He also lied to devotees saying that I "stole" laksmi from him. I NEVER "stole" anything.)
Second, I am the FIRST one to tell people that I have sustained head injuries, resulting in TBI, (traumatic brain injury). I am VERY open about the matter, and I will explain the fact that I do have various cerebral processing deficiencies as a result. I am very open about my letting people know. I have NO reason to hide it EVEN THOUGH I HAVE FOUND THAT CERTAIN PEOPLE WILL TRY TO USE IT AGAINST ME - ie. trying to say that "Mahavegavati is 'mentally ill' "due to brain damage..." or "Mahavegavati is 'crazy'..." So many things are said, even by people who have NEVER even met me. (I even get criticized for keeping my head shaved, WHICH SRILA PRABHUPADA HIMSELF APPROVED OF.)
Quite often I will tell someone that I have sustained a head injury resulting in brain damage, if for NO OTHER reason, ONLY because I am SO bad with names and faces. I just simply tell them exactly why it is that I am not able to remember their name, (and I will ask them to please forgive me for my inability of recall). Sometimes, even upon just meeting someone that I know I may have to interact with in the future, I just tell them that I will probably forget their name upon the next meeting because I have sustained a head injury, and that they should please forgive me if, when in the future, I meet them again and I am not able to remember their name.
Processing deficiencies are NOT the same as mental illness.
(Incidently, I have been left with several language processing deficiencies, one of them being aphasia, which is manifesting itself within this letter to you. In one of the above paragraphs, I did not want to use the word "cerebral", but because I could not access the word I wanted to use, I was forced to use "cerebral" as an insufficient substitute.)
Even right now, it is taking "forever" for me to write this email to you because, besides being extremely aphasic, I have some other processing deficits with regard to my ability to use language. Thus, as exhibited above, USUALLY I am not able to express myself concisely - CC "Essential truth spoken concisely is true eloquence".
And, I will explain my deficits if I feel it is necessary to do so. If I am having a lot of difficulty in accessing words while speaking to someone, I will explain to them the reason why I am having that particular problem of not being able to "spit it out" clearly.
If you want a more detailed description of the various processing defiencies, I can describe them to you if you request it. I have nothing to hide with regard to the fact that I have sustained traumatic brain injury, resulting in brain damage. If devotees want to come to their own concoctions as to what that means, then that is their problem, ESPECIALLY if they want to try to use that against an honest devotee, to try to discredit the devotee, because they themselves have something they are trying to keep covered up.
You submitted another email saying that I should be helped. Would you like to "help" me? How? What is your suggestion or idea of "help". If you would like to "help" me, I would love to go to Vrndavan. I have been a devotee since 1967, (although I was too young to move into a temple within those early years). ALL of the years that I was living in a temple, I was NEVER allowed to go to India, even when I had the laksmi. (I was always instructed to surrender it to my various authorities. By the way, I also did not get to go to go to see Srila Prabhupada personally, nor was I given the chance to attend festivals.
(I was fully engaged in rendering so much service as fulltime pujari and cook - cooking all of the six offerings, doing all of the arotikes, waking, bathing, dressing and putting the Deities to rest, plus taking care of the kitchen and alter, and cleaning the temple - and I was (stupidly?) completely faithful, surrendered, and submissive to some very exploitive authorities, because THAT was how I was "trained up" to be in ISKCON. The ISKCON of today, is VERY different.
(Sadly, for many years, I was under the Kirtanananda "regime".)
If you would like to "help" me, (or if anyone of these devotees that you have sent your emails to are so loving and compassionate, and would like to "help" me, then I will welcome your "help". If you really want to be so kind as to offer your "help" to me, then you can "help" me by sending me either some laksmi towards a ticket to Vrndavan, or getting me the ticket yourself. I would like to go for Kartika. That would be very nice.
If you are referring to "help" with regard to the TBI, and the processing deficiencies that are resultant of TBI, I have already worked with myself over the years and have made a lot of progress, especially in the area of the language diffiencies. I have gotten myself to be able to speak externally, so that NO ONE is able to realize the difficulties that I have with language.
I concocted, (for lack of the appropriate word, more like, "came up with"), my own form of "therapy", which has enabled me to make some improvement in the other areas in which I have some processing deficiencies. Sadly, when Bhaktitirtha Swami came to Kenya and SAW the visible results of my having been attacked by five men in Nairobi, (including my broken fingers), he NEVER even made ANY arrangement for me to go to see a doctor, DESPITE his having taken ALL of my laksmi while we were in Zambia.
I feel that it is indeed a very sad state of affairs when devotees, especially those who have accepted positions of leadership, either accept the statements of other devotees WITHOUT checking into them, or, even worse, due to their own dishonesty, (duplicitous and dishonest motives, etc.), make up blatant lies about other devotees. I am seeing this with relation to my own experiences, and that of other devotees.
Manager, ESPECIALLY devotee manager, MEANS vidya vinaya sampane... It MEANS servant of the servant. It MEANS that one sees to ALL of the devotees' spiritual welfare, AND to their material welfare, (in relation to the spiritual), as well. Look at the examples of Maharaj Rantidev, Maharaj Sibi, and others. THESE are the people that our managers should be following. A genuine DEVOTEE manager should be SELFLESS, dasadasanu das. Thus, a manager has accepted a position of GREAT responsibility. S/he should NOT be interested in name and fame, position, and the like. BEFORE MAKING ANY JUDGEMENTS with regard to ANYONE, and anything, the manager MUST CHECK THINGS OUT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER ABILITY.
You seem to fall under the first catagory I have described in the paragraph which precedes the one above: You have NEVER met me, and yet you are sending emails of this nature to various devotees around the movement. Do you simply accept the comments that some devotees are making about your Guru Maharaj, (that he was involved in "poisoning" Srila Prabhupada. No, just because someone is saying it - even many devotees - you don't just simply jump on the band wagon and say, "Oh yeah, Jayapataka..." Yet, you, NEVER having met me, (and sadly, other devotees in the same catagory), will say so many things, spreading your opinions upon which you have NO legitimate basis to make them, other than he said/she said.
As far as my submissions to VNN, I have sent in four of them concerning certain experiences that I had with Malati prabhu, while staying in the Columbus ashram, and I have given my name on ALL of them. (You can refer to "Open Letter to Malati", "Malati's Last Letter", "Hare Krsna 'Saved' by Born Again Christians" and "Letter to Iskcon Minister of Justice"). As far as submissions by other devotees, I am not responsible for the authorship of their writings, although two of those ladies did personally come to visit me, some time after their having seen my articles. Thus, I know that they submitted articles. (And no, I will NOT tell you who they are. They already expressed their fear to me of the possibility of their being found if they submitted something to VNN since they are still living within the ITS GON realms. Thus, I suggested that they make their submission without giving their names.
So, I AM "guilty" of that much.)
They asked me if I would contact, and submit a report to the GBC, and I said no. (I told them that I felt it was a waste of time, and explained that I felt that no one would listen to me. I also explained that I knew of several ladies who had been in the ashram, and who had gone to some GBC and tried to complain. These girls also had apparently tried to speak to someone on the GBC. They were trying to get me to speak to the GBC as (they said), they thought that since I was "an older devotee" the GBC would listen to me. (I have to admit, I got a good laugh out of that. WHO "listens" to 'older' devotees nowadays, unless that 'older' devotee is in some kind of position.)
What I AM RESPONSIBLE for is that I suggested to them that they should submit something to VNN, and I ENCOURAGED them to do so. (NO, I did NOT tell them what to write.) I did this because I thought that there are certain problems which NEED to be addressed, and that this particular avenue of making it public this might help in the possible rectification of the problems. I personally feel, (and I told Malati prabhu myself), that Malati prabhu was taking on more than she should really be handling. (I won't belabor myself to go into the reasons here.)
I suggested this to the ladies, especially because some time after my articles were posted, Jahnava prabhu, (previously Jotisthoma), saw me, and said that Malati, although upset by the articles, had made a very OBVIOUS and POSITIVE change in the way she was now interacting with the ladies under her charge. Thus, even though I took a risk, KNOWING how much criticism I would come under for submitting those articles - THE TRUTH - according to Jahnava, they DID help the situation. (IT is a fact, that so often, when one speaks truthfully, there will be so much negative repercussion. Srila Prabhupada attested to that fact when he quoted a Bengali saying, "When one tells lies, everyone is enchanted, and when one tells the truth, he is beaten with sticks." Jesus Christ got crucified for speaking the truth; He exposed the cheating of the head priests. HE was a saktyvesa avatar. Socrates was also forced to drink hemlock for presenting the truth about the eternal nature of the soul. So if such great souls appear to receive reactions for speaking the truth, then what to speak about when a little peon like me speaks the truth...)
Had Sesa prabhu answered the email I sent to him - and he had NO reason not to, other than his complicity with "the 'system'" - I would never have posted it on VNN. Sadly, as Minister of Justice, he did not follow through on his duty as Minister of Justice with regard to the particular case in which it was PROVEN to Sesa that a certain decision was given. (MALATI prabhu headed up the meeting WITH OTHER DEVOTEES PRESENT). A decision was rendered and MALATI prabhu AND BT SWAMI DENIED to Sesa that decision having been made.
Lila Suka, (from New Vrndavan) was there at the meeting, and she told Sesa that I was speaking the truth, when I related that such a decision was made. Sesa then KNOWING this, (that neither BTS nor Malati told him the truth), then ignored my telephone calls to him, (messages left on his answering machine, or every time I called and got him, he said he had to get off, that "his wife needed to use the telephone"), and my emails. Thus I submitted the last email, (which he did not answer after I had sent it several times, AND TOLD HIM that I would submit it to VNN if he would not answer it.)
I posted the letter, "Open Letter to Malati" which I originally wrote by hand, and gave to Malati, (and she never answered it. She did have quite a number of days to speak to, (or write to), me about about my letter to her, but she chose not to). I then left for NYC to go to a chiropractor. I later went to Miami to hear Srila Narayan Maharaj speak.
Due to Malati and Yamuna prabhu's consistant blasphemy of Srila Narayan Maharaj, I wanted to go to hear this gentleman, to see if he really was the "demon" that Malati, Yamuna, and other devotees had spoke of him as being. My reasoning was this: So many devotees have, (like you), made judgements, and passed around untrue things about me without ever having met me. Many of those devotees just took the word of BTS or some other leader that BTS spoke to, (or another devotee who heard from that leader), and just accepted that view and then propagated it. I had heard enough negative statements against Srila Narayan Maharaj, and I felt that I wanted to go and make my own judgement, thus to avoid the possible committing of even mental offenses against Srila Narayan Maharaj. I specifically TOLD Malati prabhu in my letter that I planned to go "at some point" because I did not know exactly when I would go. I am an "upfront" person, and I wanted to let her know that this was what I planned to do at some point. (I gave Malati prabhu my letter a few days after she had given me one of her usual chastizements, and had touched another day on the "deviations" of Narayan Maharaj.)
I went to NYC, SPECIFICALLY to go to a chiropractor. (I have the receipts to prove that this is a fact.) I was invited to accompany one devotee who decided to drive to Miami to go to hear Srila Narayan Maharaj, so I decided to take the opportunity to go, (and make MY OWN assessments about Srila Narayan Maharaj, who, incidentally, after hearing him, and meeting him, I personally think is a PURE devotee.)
When I returned, (as the old saying goes), "all 'hell' broke loose. I was totally shocked by it all - You can read "Malati's Last Letter" from VNN - especially the STEALING of my Govardhana Silas, (One of Whom I had been worshipping for 20 years).
I posted these letters up because, (main reason being), Two of my Govardhana Silas were stolen right off of the alter. THAT in itself reflects that there is a VERY MAJOR problem in the management. THIS is the way a "manager" DEALS with devotees, or "handles" some issue? I felt that something like this NEEDED to be brought to the devotees' attention, that devotees SHOULD be made aware that such an INSANE thing such as this, (the stealing of someone's Silas), had happened. (It was simply a reflection of the disease BEHIND the act. Jahnava, (previously initiated by Kirtanananda as Jotisthoma), and Mani Manjari a few weeks later told me that Yamuna, Malati prabhu's second in command, had stolen the Silas. They told me that, Yamuna prabhu, after my leaving Columbus, went to Jahnava and showed her the Silas, saying, "Now that I have Them, I don't know what I am going to do with Them." They both tole me that One of The Govardhan Silas as well as the Varsana Sila Who I was worshipping along with Him, was given to Vinode Vani prabhu in Florida. They said they did not know what happened to the second Govardhana Sila, Who I had been worshipping for 20 years. I was also informed that Malati prabhu approved of Yamuna's doing this.)
THIS - the stealing of These Silas - was the MAIN reason for my posting these letters. I felt that devotees should be made aware of what happened. Often enough, due to our being so neophyte, and our NOT having a proper understanding of Guru, Sadhu, and Sastra, and in our simplicity and innocence - I know, because I was like that for years, thinking that anyone in a position of GBC, temple president, etc., was "very 'advanced'". It is ONLY NOW that Krsna has woken me up - some of the younger devotees just accept that a particular leader "is a 'pure devotee'" SIMPLY due to the position that they have been placed into.
(Even there are devotees now - after it has been made evident enough that Kirtanananda was involved in child molestation - who honestly believe that he is a "pure devotee". (Some of them now, EVEN KNOWING that he did indeed engage in sexual activity with several young boys - when I say "boys", I mean males who are under 18 years of age - say that it "was his 'lila'". YES prabhu, there are some devotees who are STILL thinking like that.) And sadly still, there are still some devotees in position of leadership within ISKCON, who are capable of speaking untruthfully and acting OUT of accordance with PROPER Vaisnava behavior. Thus, I felt that I should post what I posted, AND LET THE DEVOTEES JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES.
Malati prabhu also submitted to me, (during Guru Puja, OF ALL TIMES, WHEN ONE IS SUPPOSED TO BE MEDITATING ON SRILA PRABHUPADA), a letter which I later read, after Guru Puja, and after seeing that my Silas were stolen. It was a letter of LIES. I simply posted that along with the reply which I gave to her in Columbus.
Prabhu, several times I tried to speak to Malati prabhu about the way that she deals with devotees under her charge, although I felt such a sense of hesitancy to approach her, because of certain things in her nature. I would cringe for days before I could FORCE myself to summon up the courage to go to speak to her. I finally made the attempts that I did, ONLY because on so many occasions I was being approached by SO MANY of the ladies in Malati prabhu's ashram, (including Jill prabhu, who wants Malati to be her diksa guru, and some of the other ladies who are still there. Other ladies who came to me who were in great anxiety about certain things with relation to how Malati prabhu interacted with them, have since left.) They would come to me, and ask me - "as a Prabhupada disciple and Godsister to Malati" - to talk to her about her being so harsh in her dealings with them. Malati prabhu did admit to "her harshness 'at times'", and said she "did realize the need to change". Jill herself, several times came to me to thank me for speaking with Malati, saying that she could see the difference after the talk. (If Jill is honest, she will confirm this.)
I posted my letters on VNN WITH HOPES that Malati prabhu WOULD see them, and, seeing them, would become conscious of the fact that things like this can be addressed publicly. I hoped that with such a public address, it would get her to take a closer look at herself, and that she WOULD POSSIBLY CHANGE. (Some time after the posting, Jahnava prabhu, told me that Malati prabhu, after seeing the letters was very angry, but that they DID have - in Jahnava's words - "A VERY 'SOBERING' AND 'POSITIVE' EFFECT on Malati", and Jahnava prabhu told me that there was some change.)
I have already wasted enough time in writing this to you. Do with it what you will. Even some of Srila Prabhupada's Godbrothers said some very terrible things about Him, the PURE devotee. Enough of my Godbrothers criticized, (and still do; my most recent experience was in hearing it from Malati prabhu), Gour Govinda Maharaj. (I personally accept Gour Govinda Maharaj as a PURE devotee.)
Even Krsna gets "accused" to this day of "running off with other men's wives". Satrajit accused Him, (and the 'rumors' went around in Dwaraka), that Krsna "stole" the Syamantaka jewel. So who am I to take that much time to become too concerned about devotees like you who, without even knowing me from a hole in the wall, (other than if someone describes me to you, you would DEFINITLY NOT be mistaken about my physical appearance), make your judgements, and them pass them on. Be careful of the first offense against the Holy Name, but no matter, I am not a devotee. Say what you want. As Srila Prabhupada once, (more than once?), said, "The dog barks, but the caravan goes on.)
Incidentally, here is a nice story of "mistaken" identity: Once Madhumangal, (one of Krsna's friends), told Krsna, "Oh Krsna, all of the gopis give you so many things ONLY because of your vamsi, peacock feather, and cloth. If I had those things, then they would give so much to me. Thus, I think that we should change clothes." Krsna agreed, and they switched clothing.
Meanwhile, (back in Mathura), King Kamsa had just told Kesi to go to Vrndavan to kill Krsna. Kesi asked Kamsa, "How will I know who Krsna is?" So Kamsa described Krsna's black complexion, and His clothing.
Kesi went to Vrndavan in very fierce mood, and who was standing there, but Madhumangal. (Everyone else had fled, hearing Kesi's terrible whinnying and snorting. He was also, with his great hoofs and tail, sturring up so much dust. Thus in fear, everyone had fled, all except for Madhumangal. Krsna had also hidden Himself.)
Kesi, starting towards Madhumangal, knocked this boy over, simply due to the air stirred up from the shaking of his tail. "Oh my God!" Madhumangal cried. "Oh my God, please help me! PLEASE help me!" Crying and crying, and then getting up and running away, Madhumangal managed to escape.
He ran to Krsna and demanded that they change clothes back. "Oh no," Krsna said, "We can't do that." "Yes, yes, we must," said Madhumangal.
"I don't want any laddus. You can have all of the gopis pera, burfi, laddu and gifts. I don't want them." And they changed clothes.
Actually, on the absolute plane, I AM "mentally ill". I do not have pure love for Radha-Krsna and Their devotees, nor do I see Their pastimes within my mind's vision. I do NOT think of Krsna 24 hours, day and night. If I was in proper "mental health", I would be in samadhi. I am afflicted with the disease of Maya's infiltrations in so many ways.
Most people might also consider me "mentally ill" for having stayed, and served under Bhaktitirtha Swami for as long as I did, considering all of the factors of abuse involved.
Now, I will pose something to you: Considering what we know from Guru, Sadhu and Sastra as to what is Vaisnava, and what vaisnavas do and don't do, I have received the following email, of which I will submit a part of it here. I will not pass any judgement. I do not know you. If the contents are true, then I suggest that you reassess your mentality as a vaisnava in terms of the understanding of what vaisnavas do and don't do with regard to this paragraph concerning your profession. (I am not submitting the sender's name, for obvious reasons.)
Dear Mahavegavati didi, Dandavat pranams. All glories to Sri guru and Gouranga.
"Madhusudani Radha is Jayaptaka disciple. She is one of the ring leaders of chakra.
She is a social psychlogist by trade and counsels gay men on how to use condoms for their illicit connections with other men, and gets paid for research interviews with such men.
Her comments sound like an internal com memo for wstrat. Not to worry.
Don't take her seriously.
"Who is crazy" The reaction to your articles with personal attacks is a typial tactic to try and discredit what you have already said about Malati and what you might say about BT. " I do not think that I need to say anymore.
May we all develop our love for Sri Sri Radha and Krsna in Vrndavan, and for Their pure, and not so pure devotees.
On a less transcendental note, I will also submit this to you. (I suggest that you contact Mahananda prabhu so that you don't blame it on me, saying that I "submitted" it under "an 'alias'".)
You please be well.
I remain your servant, despite your words,
Mahavegavati dasi Hare Krsna
Mahananda dasa Member posted 05-31-99 05:36 AM -------------------------------------
Without making any judgments about Malati dd, I would like to narrate the following experience that I had the first and only time I ever came in contact with her. Maybe she will someday read this post and it will help her to think a little about her relations with others and if she is sincere, then there is no harm in her receiving a little encouragement from her godbrothers to soften up a little, or maybe relax, and to make the qualities of humility, kindness, submissiveness, aversion to fault finding, etc. the real goals of our efforts in Krsna consciousness.
I live near the Alachua Farm community, and sometimes I help host the guests here when there are seminars or conferences. I haven't done this service much lately, but the tendency is still there to try and help sometimes. When the woman's conference was here last year (or longer) I took part a teeny bit, attending the banquet, etc. One afternoon I was walking behind the temple/kitchen building and there was a devotee sitting there cleaning some strawberries and as I walked nearby somehow she began to tell me that Malati was her guru and that she liked to prepare her carrot juice r fresh from a juicer every day, but she was in despair that she hadn't brought any juicer and could not perform her favorite service. I was delighted to tell her that I actually had two Champion juicers at home, less that a mile away, and ''I will go there right now and bring one back and you borrow it for the duration of your stay.'' The girl was very humble and dedicated to serving this person that I had heard a little about, and I do a lot of the bhogha shopping for the center here and besides, I have had innumerable fruit stands down the road, and I have through the years bought and sold many items of produce that is grown locally here in this rural farming area. So I have a lot of connections at all the wholesale warehouses. So to add to the girls bliss at being able to fulfill her desire to make this simple offering to Malati, I told her I would even donate the organic carrots, which I would bring that afternoon along with the spare juicer.
This seemed like such a nice exchange between devotees and we were both pleased and thanking Krsna within our hearts for his mercy, when out of the temple room comes a person who was very angry and asked me why was I standing near the kitchen door. She asked was I hungry and begging food (maybe she didn't see my beads and thread), and acted like I was someone coming in off the streets for a handout. That gave me a little chuckle, but when she started yelling at the poor girl I suddenly realized that this was the person this young girl was wanting to serve so selflessly. It was so ironic. I wanted to tell her that we were in the middle of a great plan to serve a vaisnava(HER!!) but she would not listen to a word. She just dragged the girl off and punished her, I suppose for speaking to a male devotee, though it wasn't clear. Gradually the desire to go get my juicer began to fade. It created like a rasa bhasa. Out of love we wanted to do something nice for her and this sentiment to serve a devotee created a so Anyway, for a few days I was blown away but gradually I got my mind back on course and until now I never got to express my frustration over the who irony. Malati, if you read this, Hello, My name is Mahananda dasa. I am so sorry that I never brought your juicer. Please accept my humble obeisances, your affectionate godbrother, Mahananda dasa
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At 9:13 -0800 7/1/99, wrote:
"What Jaya Dasi experienced would be considered abuse if Malati was in a man's body, don't you think?"
What we need is an objective investigation. Right now there is evidence that at least 3 of these VNN letters were written by Mahavegavati (under different names). There is also some evidence that Mahavegavati has brain damage from being assaulted when she lived in Africa, has numerous mental helth problems, and that other groups have experienced similar problems with her. These things need to be confirmed so that she can receive the help she obviously needs without hurting anyone else in the process.
In addition, several women who have lived in Columbus have said they'd testify against Mahavegavati and that many of her accusations are easy to disprove. Personally, I don't know who is correct, but let's not "hang" Malati until there is reasonable proof that any of these events even happened. If an independent, objective team of investigators determine that there is basis for the complaints, *then* we can begin discussing why it may be and what to do.
Ys, Madhusudani dasi
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 99 18:03 +0200 From: "COM: Madhusudani Radha (dd) JPS (Mill Valley - USA)" "Better will be to assume that there is something wrong, and correct it, before it comes so big that will kick someone."
No, that is not our system. We should assume that *we don't know anything* and then investigate* objectively* and correct only if we find that mistakes have indeed be made. I'm sure that's what you would prefer that others do too, if it were you who had been accused of wrong doing. Remember "innocent until proven guilty"? I know for a fact that at least 3 and possibly 4 of the identities of the "complainers" are Mahavegavati writing under aliases. Let's hear from other, verifiable individuals before hanging Malati based on the testimony of one probably mentally ill individual.
Ys, Madhusudani dasi
[Text 2475006 from COM]
>> Lets not condem the Mother with out an investigation.
Your Servant ... das >>
Dear ... Prabhu, I'd *love* for an investigation to happen and have brought it up with several GBCs, but Sridhari and Sita both have personal grudges against Mahavegavati and I actually have copies of several letters she sent to VNN using the pseudonyms. You must have them too. I will turn them over to the investigators if the GBC ever gets its butt in gear and does this, but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit idly by and watch these idiots blast Malati based on Mahavegavati's invented shit. I do have proof that she's behind at least 4 names (including her own). I don't mind Malati being investigated and I'm not saying she's a saint. She may have lots of problems but Mahavegavati has acted very dishonestly and that has cast a huge cloud over her character as far as I'm concerned. You know I have no problem investigating folks and I *want* that to happen. I just don't want to be a part of this self-appointed lynch crew led by Sita and Sridhari.
Ys, Madhusudani dasi
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