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October 20, 1999   VNN4975   Related VNN StoriesComment on this story

Invitation To Malaysia


MALAYSIA, Oct 20 (VNN) — Inviting All Devotees:

International Seminar at Port Dickson, Malaysia SRILA PRABHUPADAS ISKCON

(A full One-day Seminar on the position of ISKCON today)

24 October 1999

Come and hear Srila Prabhupadas views on guru-tattva! An International gathering of over 200 Prabhupadanugas from 17 countries.

Speakers include H.G. Radhaprana Das Temple President from Malaysia Many other senior devotees are coming from Japan, The Philippines, China, Australia, Singapore and Malaysia for the seminar.

Nestled along the Straits of Malacca, Port Dickson is a famous resort and a haven for sea sports. Devotees can also engage in Vaishnava water sports during the day.

All accomodation and sumptuous prasadam, etc. are provided for.

All for only nominal charges of US $30/- to cover the expenses.

Dont miss this opportunity to enliven yourselves spiritually and understand the significance of the system Srila Prabhupada envisaged for ISKCON. For further details, please contact R. Jai Simman at rjsimman@singnet.com.sg

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