July 17, 1999 VNN4319 Comment on this story
Srila BP Puri Maharaja Health Report #9
PURI, INDIA, Jul 17 (VNN) Dear kind hearted souls, Rathayatra, Puri Dham, July 14, '99
His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami has returned to Puri where He has attended Lord Jagganath's Rathayatra more than 70 times. Guru Maharaja was moved from Calcutta on July 8th by air to Bhubanesvara and then by van to Puri accompanied by six of His disciples, Sripada Bhodayan Maharja, his doctor, and a physical therapist from the U.S. who had been also treating Maharaja. The trip was successful and without incident.
Upon reaching Puri, Guru Maharaja's new ayurvedic doctor met us and immediately prescribed a special diet and a few ayurvedic medecines. All allopathic medicines were stopped before leaving Calcutta. Day by day, Guru Maharaja's condition has improved since reaching Puri and we all have great faith in the type of care and treatment he is receiving from the ayurvedic doctor here. He operates the only state approved clinic in Orissa and has great respect for Guru Maharaja's elevated position and state of consciousness.
During the past six days guru Maharaja has started to speak a few words again, His cough has decreased to 10% of what it was, and He has started communicating and becoming more externally conscious each day. We are all relieved to see His Divine Grace's health improving after the past several weeks in Calcutta in which it was deteriorating due to environmental conditions, air quality, and the weakening effect of antibiotics administered to counteract His colds. The main challenge now is for Guru Maharaja to begin eating again as he is persistently refusing to take anything for more than a month now. The doctor feels that with this new diet His appetite may increase and then gradually resume eating normally. Other than this, Guru Maharaja is in excellent health for His age and is quite strong.
His Divine Grace is still being fed through a tube although he is taking a little honey through His mouth. He is receiving care 24 hours a day and has 6 servants attending to him in different shifts throughout the day. At different times of the day the devotees softly sing different bhajans to Guru Maharaja and chant the Holy Names for His pleasure. Guru Maharaja answers questions mostly with a yes or no answer and sometimes a small comment. Today he spontaneously chanted "he Radhe !". It is clear to those around His Divine Grace that He remains in a deep state of meditation.
HDG Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja recently commented after visiting Guru Maharaja that sometimes the guru manifests some pastimes in order to give some scope to the conditioned souls to render service to the Vaishnava; for without service to a Vaishnava it is not possible to receive the mercy of the Lord. He also mentioned that sometimes out of great affection and compassion for the discipes, the guru will remain in this world to extend to them some opportunity for service and continued advancement in devotional life. Everything depends on His sweet will.
Today Guru Maharaja viewed Lord Jagganath's Rathaytra through local television where the event is broadcast nationally. Lord Jagganath was greeted by millions of pilgrims who traveled from all over and India and different parts of the world just for an opportunity to pull His chariot and have a darsan. As we near the millennium and so much anticipation is there in many minds in terms of worldly events, this age old tradition and celebration of Lord Jagganth's pastimes seems to speak to the eternal truth of Krishna's lila, unaffected by the passage of time. In fact Guru Maharaja's presence here seems to defy nature itself and manifest the determination of the devotee to see His lord despite all material obstacles.
This day is very special to Guru Maharaja's heart and we noticed Him to be even more externally conscious today. We are all praying for the mercy of Lord Jagganath that His dearmost servant will be returned to normal health as soon as possible. The transcendental atmosphere of Puri Dhama as well as the fresh ocean air seems to be the main factors in Guru Maharaja's continued recovery. We pray that all of you wonderful Vaishnavas will continue to pray for the health of our Guru Maharaja as well as increase your own bhajan to entice the residents of the spiritual world to allow His Divine Grace to remain with us for some more time.
Das das anu das
Ramdas das
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