WORLD December 12, 1998 VNN2669 Comment on this Story
USA, Dec 12 (VNN) WED - Birth of a Marathon
September, 1995
All right, so I'm a useless devotee. Well... maybe that's an exaggeration. O.K., I'm a useless human being! All the more reason I need to latch on to some monumental service in hope of receiving that coveted "honorary degree." I figure my only chance is krpa-siddha so I'm always looking for a big opportunity. Now the Prabhupada Centennial is coming and maybe Krsna will show me some way to please my spiritual master during this grand celebration.
November, 1995
Just one more year until the 100th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada's appearance. I have great hope that the Centennial will help to heal some of the wounds in the movement. Many positive things have already come about but we still have a long way to go and I pray we can maintain the momentum. Reading the list of Centennial events I notice something odd, or as Srila Prabhupada might say, conspicuous by it's absence. I pick up the phone and place a call to San Francisco.
"Vaish, it's Paratrik. Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!"
Vaishesika replies in his characteristic upbeat tone, "Paratrik! Hari bol! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my most humble obeisances!"
His speech resounds with heartfelt enthusiasm. I'm sometimes embarrassed to talk with him because I can't come anywhere near his level of sincerity. He's one of those rare Vaishnavas who's liked by everyone.
"Vaish, I was just reading the list of Centennial events and found something interesting. They've got the World Congress, they've got World Feast Day, they've got World Holy Name Day...Notice anything missing?"
"World Book Distribution Day," he says without skipping a beat. But I knew he'd catch it because he's a book distributor-one of the very best-and that's why I called him.
Neither of us can understand how this most obvious event was overlooked. The only conclusion we can come to is perhaps Krsna saved this service for us. So we start talking about how we can launch World Book Distribution Day. It'll be a grassroots project-a Centennial offering from the rank and file devotees to Srila Prabhupada. We'll seek the support of the Centennial Ministry and the GBC but if they decline, we'll go ahead on our own. We'll try to encourage all Srila Prabhupada's followers-new devotees, old devotees, second generation devotees, devotees inside and outside the institution, life members, congregation members, members of the Indian community, men, women and children-to come together on one day to distribute books for the pleasure of His Divine Grace.
Since this will be a worldwide event I feel it's important to set our sights high. If we can distribute a record number of books in one day there's a good chance we can generate some media coverage and further glorification of Srila Prabhupada. More importantly, Prabhupada always became very happy when he heard reports of his books being distributed profusely. It would be most appropriate to offer him the results of a huge marathon for his Centennial. I discuss it with Vaish and we decide to shoot for the rhino. Our campaign ad reads:
World Book Distribution Day
One Day-One Million Books!
"Impossible is a word found in the fools dictionary." -Srila Prabhupada
December 2, 1995
I make a pitch at the BBT office in Los Angeles and Svavasa, director of the NA BBT and New Dwaraka temple president, likes the idea. We fax off the proposal to Lokanath Swami in Calcutta and await his reply.
December 4, 1995
The reply from Lokanath Swami comes in: "Congratulations for making the list of Centennial events more complete by adding the 'Book Distribution Day'." Lokanath Swami defers to us for the date and the ball is back in our court. We finalize the date-December 14th, 1996-and start to assemble our team.
Svavasa is our liaison for the BBT trustees. Mayapur Sasi acts as treasurer/scorekeeper and prepares himself for the tidal wave of numbers he'll have to deal with when all the scores come in. Krtakarma agrees to design promotional materials. Maha Sakti volunteers to put together a website. Bhaktin Sandy Larsen will help create the pledge forms.
Vaish makes sure all our efforts are coordinated with the Book Distribution Ministry and he begins broadcasting messages on COM. He also designs and mails out post cards imploring devotees, in a most wonderful manner, to join the crusade.
IWR offers their assistance by printing WED articles and bending as much as possible on the cost of advertising space. The message soon gets around and before long we receive our first response from a temple. Nirguna and the tiny farm community of Murari Sevak (USA) boldly come forward with a pledge of 1,000 books.
I start to talk with individual devotees about World Enlightenment Day and the response is so positive that many of them offer to distribute a whole case of books on the spot-before I even get a chance to ask them! What's more, these are devotees who rarely, if ever, go on sankirtan. Initially I thought maybe one out of three devotees could be coaxed into helping. In reality, four out of five devotees gladly volunteer.
February, 1996
Svavasa leaves for India after agreeing to make a World Book Distribution Day pitch to the GBC at Mayapur. Even though the Centennial Ministry has accepted the proposal we still need the participation of the GBC if we hope to get all the devotees involved. We can push forward on a grassroots level as planned and there will surely be some success. But if the project is to succeed in a big way, we'll need the full cooperation of the leaders. We also realize that if the GBC adopt the project they may want to put one of their own men in charge. We'll be disappointed if that happens but we'll accept their decision.
March, 1996
World Book Distribution Day is unanimously accepted by the GBC as an official Centennial event! No one else has been appointed to head up the project, so by default it's still ours and we're grateful we can keep serving our spiritual master in this way. Due to the suggestion of an unknown devotee at the Mayapur meetings, World Book Distribution Day becomes officially known as World Enlightenment Day and unofficially everyone begins to call it WED.
Now our campaign goes into high gear and we redouble our efforts to get the word out. Over the next couple months, members of the WED team begin a newsletter, mail out packages, make phone calls, write articles, place ads, post flyers, attend devotee conferences and conduct pledge drives at all major Vaishnava festivals on the west coast. Krtakarma stays up late into the night perfecting the WED promotional materials and Vaish submits his personal pledge for 201 Bhagavad-gitas.
June, 1996
I ask Svavasa how many books New Dwaraka is going to pledge for World Enlightenment Day. Svavasa thinks about it a moment and before he can come up with a number I jump in-"I was hoping L. A. could pledge 10,000 books."
When he hears this he winces a little and I think I might have asked for too much. We've already calculated weeks ago what would be needed from each temple in order to hit the 1 million book mark but I haven't told anyone because I fear the huge numbers might shock some devotees. Svavasa's reaction confirms my fears but he daringly agrees to try for 10,000 books. I don't tell him, but factually we need at least fifteen thousand books from L. A. to make this thing fly. Anyway, 10,000 books is a good start and we can always add on later.
This is our first sizeable pledge from a temple and we use it to challenge other temples to think big and go rhino hunting. It seems to work and very soon a little transcendental competition starts to brew between some of the centers. But we realize there are many other wonderful projects manifesting during this Centennial year and the devotees already have their hands full, so we don't really know what to expect from everyone. We just have to make the effort, depend on Krsna and accept whatever result He decides to bestow. However, as the year progresses all indications are extremely positive.
July, 1996
Natha from Vancouver pledges 500 books.
Bhakta Jim pledges 108 books but off the record says he'll try for 1,000.
Chiman Koteca from Radha Raman Vedic Temple pledges 50 full sets.
Little Laguna Beach temple, with only five devotees, vows to beat New Dwaraka's 10,000 book goal.
August, 1996
NA GBC chairman, Bir Krsna Goswami, states he will personally get WED commitments from leaders in North America.
Guru Prasad Swami and Vira Bahu take the World Enlightenment Day campaign to Latin America.
Kala Samvara volunteers to deliver the WED message to temple presidents in Australasia.
Goura Nataraj agrees to represent WED in the Dominican Republic.
Akruranatha will gather pledges at Janmastami in Vancouver, Canada.
Vaisesika gets a fax in the middle of the night from Madras requesting WED information.
Mayapur Sasi secures a thousand dollar grant from the international BBT's to help promote WED.
Parama Karuna submits the first pledge from the Gurukala Alumni.
Maha Pledges:
Gopal Bhatta-1,000 books. Radha Raman-1,008 books. Bhakta Jack Stephens-1,200 books.
September, 1996
Devotees from France, Spain, South Africa and India pick up nine promotional kits from Matanga in Calcutta.
Ram Parashar organizes a program for members of the Indian community based around WED and Gita Jayanti. Projected attendance-four to five thousand people.
Book Distribution Minister, Navina Nirada writes: On this day (WED) we want the whole ISKCON with all it's friends, supporters and well-wishers to be out there, giving out the mercy of Lord Caitanya in the form of Srila Prabhupada's books...
Sacinandana Swami in Germany presents the following proposal: As far as the temples are concerned, I think we should make the endeavor to actually close the temples during December 14th and request all devotees to join in the nectar of book distribution...
Pundarik collects pledges of 1,353 books for Hillsboro, USA.
In a COM message, Jayapataka Maharaja asks Navina Nirada: "Why don't you make a tour of India to fire congregational and other devotees for WED? I think there is very good potential here and we will give you all support." The message also states: "The Mayapur based Nama Hatta leaders just met and are going to fully participate in World Enlightenment Day."
October, 1996
WED is only two months away and it appears the whole world is getting caught in the fire of sankirtan. The enthusiasm is contagious and the WED marathon seems to take on a life of it's own. By invitation from Anuttama, I use the last of our tiny $1500 budget to fly to Dallas where many devotees from North America are gathering for the ISKCON Communications Seminar. After addressing the assembly, 21 WED promotional kits are scooped up by devotees from Detroit, Dallas, Towaco, New Orleans, San Diego, New York, Honolulu, Berkeley, and other cities.
Jaya Gouranga speaks to a Los Angeles metaphysical society about Krsna, World Enlightenment Day and the 1 million book goal. Members of the audience are so inspired that some volunteer to distribute books on December 14th.
The Vaishnava Academy for Girls in Alachua promises to distribute 600 books.
A New Dwaraka sankirtan devotee receives a $2,000 donation for WED. The donor contacts him a few days later and increases the donation to $5,000.
Ananda wears a WED badge on sankirtan and swears her results increase dramatically. When people see the badge they inquire about World Enlightenment Day and ask how they can help.
Lomasha Rishi plans to rally the devotees in Hawaii using WED to draw different Vaishnava camps together.
Vipra Mukyha Maharaja offers his help in rounding up support for WED in the Pacific Northwest.
Apurva collects WED pledges from congregtion members in Denver after describing how Srila Prabhupada distributed BTGs in Calcutta's blazing sun despite his advanced age.
More Maha Pledges:
1,000 books for Thailand from Krsna Bhajan.
Nischinta pledges 10,000 books!!!
November, 1996
I finalize the November issue of the World Enlightenment Day News and bring a copy to Mayapur Sasi for insertion in the Sankirtan Newsletter. I also bring a copy to Jaya Gouranga, who's been translating our newsletters and other WED materials into Spanish. A couple months back he volunteered to head the campaign for Latin America and Spain and recently he and his wife, Ekavrata, have been putting in many late night hours rousing support from the Latin devotees and making sure the Spanish editions of the WED News go out on time.
The November issue reads:
WED News from the Front Lines
As December 14th rapidly approaches, devotees around the globe develop their strategies to rout the forces of Kali in the greatest book distribution campaign in sankirtan history-
Africa-Durban's sankirtan soldiers are reinforced by over 200 temple members as South Africa's book distribution battalions deploy to bring light to the dark continent.
Australasia-Kala Samvara assures us that temple leaders and sankirtan commanders from down under have unanimously promised their support for the WED offensive. Brisbane states, "We'd like to distribute a lot of books on WED!"
Europe & CIS-From the United Kingdom to Kazakhstan, Navina Nirada's battle hardened SKP devotees are preparing for a massive book distribution assault on World Enlightenment Day.
India-WED banners adorn the walls of Mayapur City and the Calcutta temple as legions of Nama-hatta captains and sankirtan leaders stand ready for Jayapataka Maharaj's command. Devotees in Madras have been conducting WED training excercises in preparation for the big day. Over 400 enlist for book distribution at seminars in Chowpatti and Juhu (Mumbay).
Latin America-Jaya Gouranga and Guru Prasad Swami report that the sankirtan warriors of Latin America are ready and anxious to go into battle on World Enlightenment Day. Bhakta Roy Ramikrisson pledges 1000 books for Guyana and Krsna Bhajan pledges 3,360 books for Guadalajara!
USA & Canada- In Santa Cruz, Sriman Pandit receives permission to sell Prabhupada's books in front of Crown Books, one of the biggest bookstore chains in America! In Florida, Ramia maps out plans to place Prabhupada's books in libraries and motels across the continent.Vaisesika reports that hundreds of veteran book distributors are answering the call to arms and thousands of devotees from the Indian community, rallied by Dr. Vipin Chaturvedi, are coming forward. Even children are volunteering to go out on Dec. 14th, making this the largest book distribution army ever assembled!
December 4th, 1996
The devotional energy continues to surge higher and higher as we approach the big day. I decide to e-mail one final notice to all the temples a few days before WED. This will include the number of books we calculated we would need from each center to achieve the one million book objective. These figures are staggering. They are over twelve times the number of books any given temple has done on their best day! So along with the big numbers I try to marshal the devotees with the following message:
...Let's remember that the Pandavas were greatly outnumbered, yet were victorious because Krsna wanted His devotees glorified. If we're convinced that Krsna wants the world to know how great Srila Prabhupada is, we will not fail in our mission. In some ways we've already achieved success because thousands of devotees who usually do not distribute books, have come forward with genuine enthusiasm to glorify Srila Prabhupada on this day. And many have expressed the desire to do it again next year! So it's this spirit-that we are all part of Prabhupada's family-which is our real success. Regardless of how many books are distributed, I believe this fact alone will please Srila Prabhupada more than anything. And that's the real goal for World Enlightenment Day-to please Srila Prabhupada!
Alright, let's make it happen-
December 14, 1996-World Enlightenment Day
The ether is bristling with excitement. Anticipation of book distribution glitters in the hearts of the New Dwaraka devotees. A handful of intrepid Vaishnavis shoot off to the airport immediately after mangala aroti. During the morning program the fork lift shuttles back and forth with scores of boxes of precious transcendental literature. Four palettes of books sit on the sidewalk across from the temple. Svavasa is now predicting New Dwaraka will distribute 20,000 books and Sura (Svavasa thinks he's dreaming) is predicting 30,000 books!
After a quick breakfast devotees scramble to load their vehicles. WED badges are assembled and distributed on the spot. We have 125. I didn't think we'd need this many but instead there aren't enough to go around. Sankirtan devotees carry a case of books on each shoulder. Cars and vans are bulging with Prabhupada's books and exalted souls determined to help the world. The vehicles embark, barely able to keep their bellies from scraping the road. Before the first book is distributed, the day is already glorious-we haven't seen enthusiasm like this in years. It's not just the sankirtan devotees-everbodies involved and I realize we're enlightening ourselves as well as the rest of the world.
Just as everyone else is leaving, the ladies who ventured out in the pre-dawn hours return, their faces aglow, telling of their joyous success at the airport. They take a little prasadam and prepare for another round of sankirtan-Ratneswari is resolved to fulfill her oath by distributing 108 books for Srila Prabhupada.
O.K., everyones out. Now it's my turn and I wonder if I can do it again after all these years. I consider going to Santa Monica but that's where I work and my employer is rather conservative. I'm afraid I'll run into someone who knows me and it may jeopardize my job. I decide to go to Westwood because it's a little distance from Santa Monica and usually bustling with hordes of college students.
When I get to Westwood it isn't near as busy as I thought it would be. I've forgotten that most of the students go home for Christmas. I find I must repeatedly sweep several blocks of the business district in order to make contact with enough people. But I seem to be the only devotee on the street and the people are pleasant.
After the first hour of distribution I run into a couple young guys who take a book and then throw me for a loop. One of them blurts, "Hey, don't you manage a building over in Santa Monica?" Ten million people and four thousand square miles in Los Angeles County and I can't even find one spot that's safe! But it's just Krsna's way of showing me that my plan making is useless-He already has everything arranged and there isn't anything I can do about it. I could've gone to distribute in Mongolia and still would've met someone who knows me.
A couple hours into the morning I begin to remember what it feels like-to start out with a heavy book bag and before you know it you're just carrying a bag of air. I return to my car to re-load and make a second push.
The people are actually nice and I don't encounter anyone inimical (except for the lady who asks if this is a cult). One middle-aged man receives a book and as he's walking away turns back, peers at my WED badge and asks, "What group are you with?"
"Krsna Consciousness...the Hare Krsnas," I respond, half expecting him to be upset. Instead he replies with a confident, "Oh," and I get the impression that if I'd been with any other group he would've been upset. He nods his head, as if reassured that I'm an authorized purveyor of transcendental literature and continues on his way.
A young girl stands outside a store with a distant look on her face. After offering her a book I inquire, "Did you ever wonder who you really are and why you're here, or why there's so much suffering in the world?" She answers with a sad and honest, "Yes," and agrees to take the book.
It seems logical that everyone has asked themselves these questions at one time since this is where humanity begins. Why would supersoul award the human body and not urge one to inquire philosophically? Although people get side-tracked by Maya, the basic quest for answers to life's problems must remain within most people. I find this "cut to the chase" approach elicits sincere, positive response from others as well and I'm confident that most of those who take a book will actually read it.
The day moves forward and I surprise myself. I'm able to maintain some determination and even a little enthusiasm. I feel some satisfaction from preaching but it's not what I remember from my early days of sankirtan. I don't fully taste the nectar of book distribution-that ecstacy of communion with Krsna, when He acts and speaks through your body and you witness His magic with rapture, as if an observer on the sidelines. But I didn't really expect to taste it either. It's been a long time for me and I need to prove myself. Book distribution is a great benediction for the person who receives a book but it's also a great benediction for the distributor. It's a very special service-one that I gave up long ago and I should expect it will take more than a few hours on the street before I'm able to regain Prabhupada's full blessings.
At the end of the day I've distributed 55 medium books. I did O.K. I didn't try quite as hard as I should have and I didn't stay out as long as I could have but I did O.K. It's the first time I've done this in twenty five years.
Back at the temple the energy is soaring. Many devotees have returned and everyone is talking about the valiant deeds of Srila Prabhupada's warriors: Jaya Radhe declined to leave Santa Monica Pier until all the books in the van were distributed (this was the first time in her life she'd been on book distribution); Mayapu Sasi closed down the treasury and refused to come home until he made good on his pledge; Nidhi Varji distributed 1008 books despite the fact he had a sore throat and couldn't utter a word; Rama Nrsingha (age five) distributed alongside his mother, Radhapadaduli; Parama Karuna distributed books that were paid for by his father, Amarendra; Phalguna's bhaktas transformed into book distribution addicts and the restaurant became an unexpected gold mine as Sura and his helpers distributed to the patrons of Govinda's. Krsna prema radiates from everyone who's taken part in the sankirtan yajna and the ecstacy continues well on into the week.
December 18, 1996
It's been four days now and we still haven't gotten the New Dwaraka totals. What's Mayapur Sasi doing? Why is it taking so long to calculate?
I call Svavasa at the BBT to ask if he has the totals for New Dwaraka yet and he responds positively. I think I hear him say 38 thousand books but that's impossible. I ask again with disbelief and outrageous optimism. The same number comes back-38,000!
"What!? How can that be? Mayapur must have counted wrong," I respond.
I ask two or three more times if I really heard 38,000 and each time the answer is a distinct yes. I'm stunned. It seems impossible. But I've been telling devotees anything is possible if we're enthusiastic and determined. Our WED campaign slogan is, "Impossible is a word found in the fool's dictionary." So why isn't it possible? But I still can't believe it.
The devotees of New Dwaraka are confident that no one can better their score and news of their succes spreads rapidly. But we are soon amazed to hear that Mayapur has topped New Dwaraka with a total of 42,000 books! Surely no one will surpass this score but now we just have to wait to hear from the rest of the world.
Although devotees are outstanding at pulling together for a big marathon, when it comes to following up with the paper work they're as slow as turtles in gravity boots. So we wait, and wait, and wait, and gradually over the next several weeks the reports drift in along with expressions of ecstacy from those who immersed themselves in the sankirtan ocean:
"Despite heavy rains, the worst in Madras history, congregation and devotees enthusiastically distributed over 5500 books." -Bhanu Swami (Madras, India)
"It was effortless, and I felt great joy distributing books to people I would have never thought would buy a book from me...My biggest day ever!" -Hladini Sakti (Dallas, USA)
"The devotees [in Latin America] took it as an official day, just like Vyasa Puja...Everybody went out."-Virabahu (Latin America)
"Even a child of merely 12 years could not be kept away...Some of the congregational members got such a taste that they have become inspired to go out for book distribution once a week."-Sacinandana Swami (Germany)
"We did it! Men, women, children, brahmacaris, householders, congregation, everyone went out and we did our quota...and a little more." -Hanuman (Spain)
"... all the devotees and congregation were so enlivened by the endeavor that we hope it becomes an annual event." -Madhu Pandita (Amsterdam, Holland)
"All the members went out...and almost everyone distributed beyond their quota. Everyone agreed that this was a very special day: so many friendly people..." -Moscow BBT (Moscow, Russia)
"Next year we should have World Enlightenment Week End and the year after that, World Enlightenment Week." -Sura (North American BBT)
"All glories to your service in inspiring us here in Australia to take part, we are enthusiastic to distribute more." -Dhruva (Brisbane,Australia)
"Many devotees told me they want to distribute books on a regular basis now...Of all the things that happened during the Centennial, this was the best.This was the best." -Pundarik (Hillsborough, USA)
"So, we're going to do it again next December?" -Ratneswari (Los Angeles, USA)
February, 1997
After eight weeks we finally have all the scores and we proudly present the results to Srila Prabhupada in his quarters. With 140 centers reporting from over 40 countries on six continents, the total number of literatures distributed on World Enlightenment Day is an astounding Seven Hundred and Forty Two Thousand! This is nine times more than we've ever done in one day! To everyone's astonishment, Karuna Bhavan (Scotland) actually beats Mayapur. So Karuna Bhavan becomes the number one temple in the WED Super Marathon, with Mayapur taking second place and New Dwaraka claiming third. Niscintya (LA) is the top individual distributor, followed by Rasapran (Mayapur) and Laksmi Govinda (Mayapur).
Although we didn't hit the million book goal, considering only 140 centers reported (out of an estimated 400 plus) the results are phenomenal and we receive numerous requests to have the marathon every year. This desire is later supported by a formal declaration at the meetings in Mayapur the following March:
[GUIDELINE] 104. THAT the following three preaching programs from Srila Prabhupada's Centennial were very successful and are declared yearly preaching programs: (a) Padayatra Week and World Holy Name Day, (b) Feed the World Day, and (c) World Enlightenment Day. -1997 GBC Resolutions
Closing thoughts: I'm not a book distributor. But I certainly realize the importance of this service and how much it means to my spiritual master. There's no way to adequately express appreciation for devotees who distribute Srila Prabhupada's books. By their sacrifice people are not only spared untold suffering but are also given a chance to join in the splendid pastimes of Radha and Krsna. Book distribution is the highest welfare work and devotees of the sankirtan movement are the most noble souls on earth. World Enlightenment Day is dedicated to these kind hearted Vaishnavas and I pray that they will also bless me with their kindness.
-Paratrikananda dasa
A Special Invitation
You are cordially invited to participate in the Third Annual World Enlightenment Day Super Marathon on Saturday, December 12th, 1998.
In the course of our efforts to spread Krsna consciousness throughout the world, please consider the following: Our lectures may or may not be effective; our words may or may not be remembered. But if there's any certain hope for humanity it lies in the sacred instructions found in the books of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Let us honor our beloved spiritual master by coming together on December 12th to offer that service which is most pleasing to him, and in so doing help to enlighten the world.
Make the sacrifice-It's the yuga dharma.
WED III Saturday, December 12th, 1998
One Day-One Million Books!
"Impossible is a word found in the fools dictionary." -Srila Prabhupada
World Enlightenement Day is a neutral project. Institutional affiliation or non-affiliation is not taken into consideration but please remember that on this day we would like to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books exclusively.
Distributors: Please report your results to your nearest temple/sankirtan center.
Temples/ sankirtan centers: Please report your cummulative results with individual breakdowns to:
For more information and alternative ideas on how to distribute, please visit us at:
or contact Vaishesika dasa at:
(USA) 650-344-9552
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
World Enlightenment Day Mission Statement
World Enlightenment Day is an international grassroots project created to glorify His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada by perpetuating the legacy of his books and book distribution.
Our goals:
1. To enlighten the world with Krishna consciousness as revealed in the books of Srila Prabhupada.
2. To encourage all Srila Prabhupada's followers-congregation members, friends of the movement, devotees who formerly distributed books and devotees who never distributed books-to take part in book distribution in addition to their particular service.
3. To mobilize the Vaishnava community for book distribution on World Enlightenment Day.
4. To distribute one million books in one day for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada.
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