© 1998 VNN | WORLD December 9, 1998 VNN2639 Vrinda Bookstore BY SAKSI GOPAL DAS
INDIA, Dec 9 (VNN) Vrinda's transcendental book and art store is going into the third year of existence. It may be surprising to you, but there are not many places in the world where you can get books from all the different Vaisnava Missions, from all the different Vaishnava subjects and in all the different languages. Vrinda's store in Vrindavan must be the best place for that. Totally distanced from favoritism or contemporary misgivings, Vrinda's store provides the place where you can find every book which supports the basic Vaisnava Siddhanta.
That is not easy sometimes and accidentally there were some books available which are to confidential for a public bookstore and which can only be circulated amongst very advanced devotees, or others whose origin were not totally confirmed as authoritative. Basically, Vrinda's store has broken the barriers of limiting the literature to only one mission or another or to only some authors or the other. In doing so the store has earned considerable fame and has already opened too more branches. One is in Mayapur. The location is the Mayapur that is right under the Lion gate as you get of the Boot coming from Navadvipa. It is mainly open in the time of Festivals.
Another Vrinda store has opened in Vrindavan located with the office of Vrindas Vaisnava academy in the Mungir mandir on the Mathura Road. Amongst the publishers and authors you can find in Vrindas books are the following:
Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada BBT Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Deva various publishers Srila Prabhupada Sarasvati Thakur Srila Bhakti Promod Puri Maharaj Srila Bhaktivinode Thalkur Mandala Media and the most beautiful Vaisnava art books. Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj Srila Bhakti Vaibhav Puri Mahraj Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaj Srila Jagad Guru Siddhasvarupananda and Life Force News Srila Mahanidhi Maharaj Srila Tripurari Swami Srila Bhaktivedanta Ksirodakasayee Visnu Maharaj Sripad Pundarika Krishna Institute books and a host of others. Vrinda tries to supply the nectar for the searching souls. Vrindas bookstore has also supplied on occasions books in the form of Plenty of books from the Six Goswamis and later Vaisnava saints. All the Song books you may dream of.
Photocopies which were not available in India then. This has been criticized by some publishers. It is not in the interest of Vrinda to earn money. The store was started as a service to the World Vaisnava Association. We believe that transcendental books do not "belong" to anyone. they belong into the hands of the searchers. If someone in the world goes through the trouble of copying my publication in the age of the Internet where you can load down over 250 titles from the Vrinda - ISEV Internet library alone, the author should be proud of it.. Anyway Vrinda will always try to sell originals of the original publishers if they are made available to our store. in the beginning we tried to collect from all over the world and also imported Krishna Software with the first CD Room on the "Bhagavat Gita." Today you find the best Posters, inlay wooden crafted devotional pictures and CD, cassettes with lectures and music all available in our shop. Today we invite publishers and authors . Please let your literature be represented in Vrindas bookstore. Send us at least 10 copies of every new publication and indicate to us how we can pay you in India. Vrinda Stores are also being developed in Miami, Florida and Wien, Austria.
But that will take some time to gain momentum. Vrindas store in Vrindavan on the Seva Kunja Road in between the Radha Syamasundar mandir and the Radha Damodar Mandir is situated on a very holy spot. Not only is this the place where all the Acaryas wrote the books including Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This is also the precise location where Srila Syamananda Goswami found the bracelet of Srimati Rahdarani and was given entrance into the highest servitorgroup by Srimati Vrindavanesvari personally. Do not miss that darshan . The entrance is the next door from the Vrinda Bookstore and the holy shrine is just in the back of the store next to the samadhi of Syamananda Prabhu.We will receive suggestions how to organise this store in a even better way with pleasure. Our E-mail in Vrindavan is: vrindak@nde.vsnl.net.in
VRINDA BOOK & ART STORE Seva Kunja Road, Vrindavan, Disct. Mathura, U.P. PIN 281121 INDIA phone: (0565) 443-954 Fax: (0565) 442-172
Coordinator of the Vrinda Stores: Saksi Gopal das
This story URL: http://vaishnava-news-network.org/world/WD9812/WD09-2639.html
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