WORLD November 21, 1998 VNN2534 See Related VNN Stories Ritvikism - The 14th Sahajiya Sampradaya BY SWAMI B.G. NARASINGHA
INDIA, Nov 21 (VNN) A brief conversation with Swami B.G. Narasingha
Devotee: Have you read Srila Prabhupada's "Final Order".
Narasingha Maharaja: Yes.
Devotee: Then how can you say that the ritviks are the 14th sahajiyasampradaya?
Narasingha Maharaja: Actually the ritviks are not a sampradaya. By sayingso I am simply using the word loosely. Ritvik conception is in theapa-sampradaya category or the anti-party section. Apa-sampradaya means topreach against the principles and practices of pure devotional service andsahajiya means to imitate the real process of pure devotional service. Inthis way the ritviks have become sahajiya-apa-sampradaya because theirprocess eliminates the real thing and tries to establish an illusorystandard under false pretenses. In the same way one could consider theritviks as mayavadis. Mayavada means the philosophy of illusion.
There is no actual mayavada philosophy mentioned in the scriptures nor isthere any ritvik system mentioned in the scriptures. So to establish eitherof these two conclusions is illusory.
It is a symptom of Kali-Yuga that many concocted methods of devotionalservice will emerge but these will not be accepted by the intelligent classof men.
(Srila Prabhupada: "The next symptom of the age of Kali is that principlesof religion, which are spotless white, like the white lotus flower, will beattacked by the uncultured sudra population of the age......They willdeclare themselves as adherents of no religious principles and many "isms"and cults will spring up in Kali Yuga only to kill the spotless bull ofreligion." (c) 1991 by Bhaktivedanta Book Trust)
Instructions regarding the actual science of Krishna consciousness and theprocess of pure devotional service have been passed down from guru todisciple in the parampara from the most ancient times until the presentday. When we are in connection of the parampara system we do not feel thenecessity for concocted methods of devotional service because all ouranticipations are met by Krishna, Guru and Vaishnava.
Devotee: That's true but there are no pure devotees present and thereforeseeing the situation Srila Prabhupada has introduced a new system ofparampara.
Narasingha Maharaja: What you say is all concoction. Have you seen all thedevotees of Krishna and Mahaprabhu present on this planet? No. But youcondemn everyone to your own level of consciousness. Like Duryodhana - hecould not see any qualified person anywhere. Whereas Yudhisthira saw thateveryone was more qualified than himself. Persons with the mentality ofDuryodhana can never understand who is a pure Vaishnava - while personslike Yudhisthira always find the company of pure devotees.
The fact is that there are pure Vaishnavas on this planet (always have been- always will be) but you have not taken the time to search them out.Secondly what you have said about Srila Prabhupada not seeing any qualifiedperson is also not true. He did not see a disciple fit to become the headof his ISKCON society and therefore he requested everyone to work incooperation with each other (with a GBC at the head). He said, "Together Ihave some hope that you will do something." But he did not say that hisdisciples were unfit to carry on the parampara.
One who introduces new systems, not authorized by the sastra and previousacharyas only creates a disturbance in society.
sruti-smrti-puranadi,pancaratra-vidhim vina aikantiki harer bhaktir, utpatayaiva kalpate
"Devotional service to the Lord that ignores the authorized Vedicliterature like the Upanisads, Puranas, Narada-Pancaratra, etc., is simplyan unnecessary disturbance in society."
Srila Prabhupada never created or concocted new systems. He simply said,"Do as I am doing".
Devotee: Actually Srila Prabhupada was the first sannyasi to perform themarriage function ceremony for his disciples so that is at least oneexample of his starting a new system.
Narasingha Maharaja: That is a foolish argument. Performing marriage or notperforming marriage ceremonies has nothing to do with the parampara or theprocess of pure devotional service. That simply comes within 'ways andmeans' to spread Krishna consciousness - it is not a valid example of whatwe are talking about.
Devotee: Nonetheless, I think it is safe to say that since none of SrilaPrabhupada's disciples are pure devotees that no one should initiate.
Narasingha Maharaja: This is another one of your concocted statements. Showme even one place where Srila Prabhupada has said that his disciples ornone of his disciples are pure devotees. You cannot.
On the contrary Srila Prabhupada many times stated the qualifications tobecome a pure devotee and insisted that this was the only business of hisdisciples. He did not say, "None of my disciples are pure devotee." Heactually stated many times just the opposite. First we should know whatpure devotional service is.
anyabhilasita sunyam, jnana-karmady-anavrtam anukulyena krsnanu, silanam bhaktir uttama
"First class devotional service must be devoid of all materialdesires, knowledge obtained by monistic philosophy, and frutive action. Thedevotee must constantly serve Krishna favorably, as Krishna desires."(Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11)
Devotee: Yes. But...
Narasingha Maharaja: But what? Do you believe in Srila Prabhupada and whathe says or do you think he spoke nonsense? What is your position?
Srila Prabhupada has stated on many occasions that his disciples were puredevotees to the extent that they follow his instruction. The key is there -in your hand - simply follow his instruction. In 1975 Srila Prabhupadacommented that he wanted disciples who would follow his instructions andbecome pure devotees. He said that he would have been satisfied if even oneof his disciples had become a pure devotee but that he was fortunatebecause Krishna had sent many pure devotees to become his disciples.
(Srila Prabhupada: "I want one student who follows my instruction. I don'twant millions. Ekas candras tamo hanti na ca tara-sahasrasa. If there isone moon in the sky, that is sufficient for illumination. There is no needof millions of stars. So my position is that I want to see that at leastone disciple has become pure devotee.
Of course, I have got many sincere and pure devotees. That is my goodluck. But I would have been satisfied if I could find out one only." (c) 1991 by Bhaktivedanta Book Trust)
Devotee: But the final order of Srila Prabhupada is there.
Narasingha Maharaja: Yes, the final order is there, the first order isthere and the second order is there. All the orders are there and all theseorders are the same, "Become pure devotee."
If not even a single disciple (as you are proposing) becomes pure devoteethen the mission of the spiritual master is a failure. If no disciple hasbecome a pure devotee then people will begin to rumor that the spiritualmasters teachings have no potency or that he has no mercy to bless hisdisciples etc. So when you say that no disciple of Srila Prabhupada isqualified to become Guru then in effect you are saying that SrilaPrabhupada and his mission have failed. It is intolerable to hear suchnonsense - I can not agree.
Devotee: They can become siksa-guru but not diksa-guru.
Narasingha Maharaja: Where do you find such statements in the authorizedsastra. You are simply speaking but without any sastric context. And whatyou say is only confused logic. The siksa guru is categorically in a higherposition than the diksa-guru in that he is the manifestation of SriGovindadeva the Lord of abhideya-tattva. The diksa-guru is themanifestation of Madan Mohanji the Lord of sambandha-tattva.
In Caitanya Caritamrta the position of diksa and siksa-gurus are mentioned.Categorically it is such but to make discrimination between different gurusis an offense. Both are equal manifestations of Krishna. If one is a puredevotee according to the measure of the sastra then he is fit to becomeeither siksa or diksa-guru or both.
Devotee: But so many, what you are calling pure devotees, have fallen down- a pure devotee can not fall down.
Narasingha Maharaja: Oh. This is very interesting point that you aremaking. On one hand you say that a pure devotee can not fall down but onthe other hand, yourself and other ritvik proponents, are of the opinionthat all living entities in the mundane world have fallen from eternal lilawith Krishna in Goloka or Vaikuntha - is it not?
Devotee: Yes. But...
Narasingha Maharaja: So in the spiritual world were these fallen souls puredevotees or not? If they are not pure devotees then how can they be withKrishna in eternal lila. Therefore by your own admission a pure devotee canfall down - is it not?
Devotee: Well....
Narasingha Maharaja: Why many of Srila Prabhupada's disciples have fallendown you do not know. Despite spending hours together discussing andgloating over their fall down you still do not know why they have fallen.You do not know the secrets of devotional service. How can a faithfuldisciple fall from Krishna consciousness - especially after having renderedso much valuable and intimate service to the spiritual master? You shouldstop to consider. You should consult the senior Vaishnavas and thescripture and you will come to know that such disciples can fall down onlydue to nama-aparadha and particularly Vaishnava-aparadha.
(Note from the Secretary: Readers interested in the content of thisconversation are invited to send questions to Narasingha Maharaja - his answer will be posted on VNN. Names of allquestioners will be withheld. Opposing views regarding this conversationneed only be posted on VNN, not sent to Maharaja's email address. Haribol!)
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