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July 31, 2004   VNN8677  

Crisis In Mayapur


MAYAPUR, INDIA, Jul 31 (VNN) — Sri Sri Guru Gaurangau Jayate! Crisis in Mayapur July 8, 2004. The present Government of West Bengal is working on a plan to develop Mayapur which includes making a bridge between Mayapura and Navadwip and widening the roads.

To achieve that govt desires to takeover the lands of several maths to widen the road. Public Work Department has served legal notices to all the maths in the Mayapur.

The marked land includes front portions, Gates, Temples, Smadhi Mandirs, guesthouses of several Gaudiya Maths and temples. The marked land even includes the Gopeshwar Shiva Temple of Mayapur.

The activity to widen the road will include the demolishment of all the constructions in this marked land area, which even includes temples and Samadhi temples.

Most of the missions of disciples of Our Great preceptor Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada are in crisis situation. They are planning to take the help of court.

According to Vaishnavas, those who are involved in this activity are making a great offence to the Lord Chaitanya Maharprabhu and His associates. The utlimate results of such activity will not be good.

We hope that all the devotees worldwide will oppose such a move.

In service, correspondent Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math mayapur@sreecgmath.org

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