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June 14, 2004 VNN8636
 Himavati's Leaves Her Body

 USA, Jun 14 (VNN) It is with deep sadness and a great sense of loss that we wish to inform devotees who may not have heard, but knew and loved her as we did, of the passing away of Himavati prabhu.
Himavati prabhu left her body on Thursday May 27th. She had a long battle with Hep C, but deteriorated significantly in the last year, while most of her last few months were spent on hospital. She will be remembered especially by Irish devotees, and anyone who ever met her even briefly as a very loving,caring, kind and very sweet lady, who, despite many difficulties in her own life always had time, patience and consideration to share with others. She was genuinely humble, loved to laugh and was, even up to the end very ex
huberant. Despite her often heavy family obligations she was always happy for an opportunity to do some devotional service which like everything in her life she did whole heartedly. Her mother Pat, an amazingly generous and dignified lady desired a Christian burial for her daughter. Many devotees from throughout Ireland attended the service and funeral to honour her life, remember her wonderful qualities and adorn her grave with maha garlands, tulasi leaves, Vrndavana dust and Ganga water. She will be sadly missed especially by her mother, Irish devotees and children, Kisore das, Chintamini dasi, Radha Kund dasi, Govardhana dasi and Bhakti dasi.
Aspiring servant of the Vaisnavas Isani dasi.
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