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February 16, 2004 VNN8557
 Police Brutality At Danda Bhanga


ORISSA, INDIA, Feb 16 (VNN) Hare Krsna, Danda Bhanga Lila Kunja Ashram. Chandanpur 12 km from Jagannatha Puri Temple Orissa, India.
Eight police entered our temple in search of one devotee called bhakta Kiran, not finding him they mercilessly beat all the innocent devotees. They beat one devotee so badly that he started to bleed. Bhakta Kiran had previously been taken away from Danda Bhanga by the police, who had been bribed. He was then taken to his mothers house in Mangalore where he was drugged, his neck beads and chanting beads taken away, and told not to chant anymore. Even though put under house arrest with a full time guard watching him, he managed to escape and returned to Danda Bhanga. Being bribed again, the corrupt officials used the police to get him back by threatening and beating the devotees but the devotees managed to hide Kiran Prabhu. So the police tried to arrested another devotee, who is managing the Ashram, filing a false case of kidnapping against him.
Kiran Prabhu is a wonderful devotee and is very determined to stay in the temple. He is a great lover of Radha Krishna a natural devotee. But in Kali Yuga you see these things are going on.
The ashram is on six acres of land, we plough the fields with bullocks, keep cows, there is no electricity. The devotees, fifteen in number, live very simple. A big Tulasi garden is there. The Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subadra, and Sudarshan are carved from the same log as Jagannatha in Jagannatha Puri. These deities were worshiped by Brahmanas in Puri until one day the Lord indicated to that Brahman Family that they wish to come to Danda Bhanga and in a similar way we got the deities of Radha Krishna that had been worshiped for over three hundred years from another Brahman family . Recently two old sannyasis of the Ramanuja Sampradaya who visited our Ashram told that in this Temple purity was being maintained and that they felt welcome. They were very impressed with the environment there and said rarely in our lives have we visited a temple like this. Following the teachings of Lord Caitanya all are welcomed at Danda Bhanga, where 500 years ago Mahaprabhu got his Danda broken and Brugu muni had his ashram here. So many other interesting lila's have also taken place here.
We appeal to the Devotee community at large to come forward as we have to go to the courts to fight these false charges against the Temple made by corrupt officials . Our Temple is very poor at present we need 50,000 RPS (about $1,000 U.S ) to begin fighting the case. Our brothers in India have dedicated their lives for the service of the Lord and beg their brothers and sisters in the west to help financially. For more details please write dandabhanga@fastmail.fm or phone Australia (61) 0266726131.
Your servant,
Jagadish Pandit Das
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