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January 16, 2004 VNN8522
 Sri Sri Radha Govinda Temple Inauguration


INDIA, Jan 16 (VNN) It is with great pleasure that we welcome everyone to come and participate in this most auspicious event of Sri Sri Radha Govindadeva's Temple Inauguration ceremony in Vrindaban, India. As many of you already know the original Govinda temple was built by Srila Rupa Goswami some 500 years ago and was partially dismantled 350 years ago by the mogul emperor Aurangajeb. Lord Krishna has inspired Mahant Krsna Balarma Swami to erect a temple of the same intricately carved red sandstone according to the authentic Vedic standards of the Vastu Sastra.
Every piece of stone has been carved and placed as per the Vastu Sastra and is solely constructed of pure red sandstone with no concrete, bricks or iron and is built to stand for thousands of years.
All are welcome to come visit India for an experience you will value for the rest of your life. You will take a step into India's glorious past where you will experience the way temples were inaugurated centuries ago, as will be performed before everyone present by the mystic Mahants Of Vrindaban Dham.
The inauguration festival will go on from March 3rd through March 5th, with the temple to be inaugurated on the auspicious date of March 4th 2004. This date was calculated by learned Pundits, to insure the demigods will be awake and to invoke them to attend and consecrate this blessed event.
An array of activities will surround Lord Sri Sri Radha Govindadeva's Temple inauguration. Beginning on March 3rd with a procession lead by all the Mahants of Vrindaban and 1000 Sadhus. There will be music performed by South Indian musicians using traditional instruments, dramas, a tour of Vrindaban guided by learned devotees revealing the histories pertaining to each particular place, and of course plenty of prasadam. After the Inauguration there will also be a guided tour through South India to all the holy places there.
For all who attend the inauguration and register by February 15th 2004 lodging and boarding is free for the three-day festival.
All god brothers and god sisters please come. All spiritualists please come. All inquisitive seekers of the truth please come. Everyone is invited to take advantage of this golden opportunity to see the authentic coronation of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Govindadeva.
To register please send the name and contact information for members included in your party to: reservations@krsna.org or fax to - 831-662-3305 You can also visit www.krsna.org for more information.
Jai Sri Radhe Nanda Kumar
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