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August 5, 2003   VNN8266  

Success Of Global Dharma Conference


USA, Aug 5 (VNN) — The Global Dharma Conference at Edison, New Jersey, from July 25 to 27, 2003, went very well. Up to 3000 people, both young and old, gathered at this historic and first of its kind event to share in the timeless message of Vedic and universal Dharma. Furthermore, everyone from the Vedic Friends Assocation (VFA) did a great job in their participation. We had quite a team effort, and the impression that everyone got was most favorable. The VFA certainly had the largest number of people there from any one group. This certainly indicates that we will surely be invited to many more conferences and activities that will follow.

This is important since we are composed of different people from various Vedic traditions, but the majority of which are disciples of Srila Prabhupada who have been writing and lecturing on the Vedic knowledge in their own ways for years. And now we are teaming together to continue working in a supportive mood and atmosphere to reach a wider audience, and share this sort of like-mindedness and work for the greater cause of spreading Vedic culture, and ultimately, knowledge of our personal relationship with Lord Krishna, to as many people as possible. We are indeed forming a formidable team of people who can present various aspects of the Indian, Vedic and indigenous cultures in an authoritative and dynamic way.

Speakers from the VFA at the Dharma conference included: Dr. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) [talking on is moksha dharmic, and chairing a panel discussion on faiths and traditions], Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) [talking on practicing spirituality in everyday life], Jeffrey Armstrong [talking about the personalities of the Mahabharata], Yvette C Rosser [talking on misconceptions of dharma], Professor Subhash Kak [talking on consciousness, cognition and quantum theory], Andy Fraenkel (Sankirtana dasa) [gave presentations on creativity and sacred story-telling], and Surya Das YoungWolf [spoke on the Native American experience and gave a traditional performance]. Also of great assistance was the VFA Coordinator, Vishwa Vijai Ganapa who was invaluable to the VFA efforts, along with Raghunatha dasa, also of ROOPA. This was the largest collection of affiliates from any one group at the conference. Plus, there were numerous people that we met with, many of whom were most interested in the activities of the VFA.

The VFA also coordinated the production of a video documentary of the event, which included the team of Vrindavana Parker as production manger & anchor, Award Winning Documentary Director & Editor, Ricardo Lobo, Script writer & Interviewer Simone Boger from Brazil, photographer Kristina from Texas, and Elizabeth to help with audio & visual also from Texas. Most of the VFA members had also been interviewed by TV-Asia for its own television documentary.

The VFA members also arranged a meeting with the Indian Ambassador-at-Large Dr. Bhishma Agnihotri, which also included Bhakticaru Swami and Umapati Swami from Iskcon, on how we could better interact for working together for spreading a better image and the true glories of the Indian culture. Along with other events, VFA members and friends also participated in an interactive session of Hindu-Jewish-Sikh groups over dinner for a concerted effort to increase unity and understanding between them.

More information about the Vedic Friends Association can be found at: www.vedicfriends.org.

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