© 2002 VNN
November 22, 2002 VNN7645
 Watch Srila Prabhupada's Video CD's For Less


USA, Nov 22 (VNN) Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
It has been very exciting for us and many devotees worldwide since we offered VCD of ITV archive footages of Srila Prabhupada for less money. The kartika price offer of 3100 Indian rupees or US$65.00, for the entire collection of Srila Prabhupada's ITV videos has been quite unbeleivable for devotees that many are still having a hard time beleiving it. Of course the good news is many devotees have taken advantage of this great offer and are now in possession of Srila Prabhupada's entire video footages, thus giving themselves a lifetime association with the greatest devotee of Krishna of our time. Even the piraters of ITV and the Archive products have been totally taken offguard by this gesture. The fact is we want to spread the teachings and glories of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Many devotees have been commenting on the rejuvenation they are experiencing just by watching these VCD's.
The kartika promotional offer of the VCD's is over. But, we want to extend the opportunity to vaisnavas.
From now until the end of CHRISTMAS TIME, YOU CAN ACQUIRE SRILA PRABHUPADA'S VCD ARCHIVE FOR 3100 Indian rupees, or US$65.00.
This is basically the continuation of our previous kartika promotion.
We invite the piraters to join in acquiring legitimate ITV products at distributor prices and sell to their clients. They can rebuild their image by being known as bonafide distributors. Simple cooperation is what will please Srila Prabhupada.
Christmas season in the Western tradition is a season of giving. There can be no better gift than given someone a chance to associate with a pure devotee.
Bulk purchases of the VCD's are further discounted. You can contact me for more details.
Please write me at isvara.ggs@pamho.net, or isvara_99@yahoo.com
your servant,
Isvara dasa.
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