© 2002 VNN

November 18, 2002   VNN7638  

New Vedic Resources From Sri Nandanandana


USA, Nov 18 (VNN) — Dear Friends, Namaste and Hare Krishna.

In our attempt to perceive the validity of Vedic culture in its spiritual and social ramifications and present that to others, we have added a new section to our website called "Recent Archeological Finds Confirming Vedic History." This is at: http://www.stephen-knapp.com. This is the beginning of an ongoing record of various archeological discoveries as well as research that validates the Vedic conception or description of history, and the way Vedic society and influence had spread to various parts of the world. New discoveries of this nature are always being found, but there seems to be a lack of an easily available listing to record them.

This information is sent to us in a variety of ways, so we invite you to send us articles that you may find that deal with this subject and may be included in this section of our website. At present, this section includes the photograph of a 40,000 year old cave painting that was recently discovered south of Delhi; the satellite photos of Lord Rama's bridge to Sri Lanka; the discovery of a city dating back to 7500 BC; an ancient city found off the coast of Mamallapuram; ancient stone maps over 120 million years old; the ongoing research into the ancient Sarasvati River; and more.

We are always updating and expanding the site, so new information will be added as we get it. New and thought provoking articles to read include: "Kalki--The Next Avatar of God and the End of Kali-yuga", "God is Both Personal (Bhagavan) and Impersonal (Brahman)", and "Vedic Culture: The Last Bastion of Deep Spiritual Truth" and why it is called that. These along with over 60 other articles on various topics are available.

Also, for those who are interested in the real history and glory of Vedic culture, in light of the origins of the Taj Mahal, we have posted "The Question of the Taj Mahal" by P. S. Bhat and A. L. Athavale on our Taj Mahal section. It is a profound and thoroughly researched and well-balanced paper on the Taj controversy. It uncovers the reasons for the rumors and assumptions of why it is said that Shah Jahan built the Taj and presents all the inconsistencies why that theory doesn't hold up.

Aside from these, we have also updated our Vegetarian Resources section, with many more vegetarian recipes, online cookbooks, and resources for ingredients, non-leather goods, directories of restaurants, and plenty of information on the benefits of the vegetarian diet.

Our "Krishna Darshan Art Gallery" also has over 200 prints, pictures, and photographs of Deities of Krishna, and the other Vedic personalities. Our "Book of Prayers, Mantras and Gayatris" has 18 sections of various prayers and mantras for practical use and devotional meditation that you can use.

Also, we now list over 200 links to other practical websites that deal with topics on Vedic culture, India, travel, cultural events, news, online books, other temples around the world, and much more. All these, along with our other departments of information, have made our site an expanding place of information and resources for further study in the area of Vedic spirituality and culture. We hope you can take advantage of it .


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