December 29, 2001 VNN7067 Related VNN StoriesComment on this story Bhakta George Leads Bhajan On Video
BY SIDDHANTA DASA USA, Dec 29 (VNN) Illumination Television has uncovered from its library exclusive footage of Sriman George Hari's son leading a bhajan on harmonium in Srila Prabhupada's room at the Bhaktivedanta Manor in1993. He is chanting Hare Krishna along with Tribhuvanath on mrdunga as well as Mukunda Goswami, Guru dasa, Shyamasundar, Smara Hari and others.
After the kirtan, George engages in conversation with the devotees and at one point he is asked if has a servant with him and George replies, I'm my own servant. Upon leaving, George is seen paying his obeisances to Radha-London Isvara and hugging the devotees. It is so warm and enlivening to see this humble servant of Krishna at the temple he donated to Srila Prabhupada's movement that we are combining this footage with the L.A. tribute to George Harrison at the still low price of $15 (including shipping).
Contact: Siddhanta dasa 1-800-310-VIDEO 4114 Motor Ave. Culver City, CA 90232 (not to be confused with Iskcon TV)