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October 5, 2001   VNN6908  Comment on this story

Advantages Of The Vedic Path


USA, Oct 5 (VNN) — Dear Friends,

During these days, after September 11, of great sadness, anger, as well as suspicion and misunderstanding between people, especially toward anyone who looks foreign, there is a huge need for increased awareness of who are our neighbors and what are their cultures. To help fiožan important and free "e-booklet" which provides a quick and deeper understanding of the Vedic path, commonly called Hinduism. It explains what it stands for, its peaceful nature, and some of the elementary points that differentiates it over all other religions.

This 22 page booklet is called "Why Be a Hindu: The Advantages of the Vedic Path," by Sri Nandanandana dasa, and is available at: http://www.stephen-knapp.com.

It is a tool to be used by anyone to help preserve, protect and expand the knowledge within the Vedic philosophy and its spiritual way of life. It is an "e-booklet" to allow everyone to use it and pass it along in as many ways as necessary. It is written for a wide and general audience, but is especially meant to help inform others of distinct advantages in the Vedic process from which a person can benefit. It is meant to be read or downloaded from the website, or distributed and sent to others who could use it through emails, or printed out to be given on paper. It can be sent to radio or television show hosts who need to expand their understanding, or to other individuals who may also need to broaden their views, or simply to encourage other Hindus in understanding the value of what they have.

Some of the topics include: Vedic Culture is the oldest in the world.

It has the most developed scripture and complete spiritual philosophy.

Vedic philosophy offers the most complete understanding of God and the spiritual dimension.

It has the most direct words and instructions from God.

The Vedic path has some of the greatest spiritual teachers found anywhere.

It is one of the most spiritually expressive and emotionally fulfilling of all paths.

The Vedic philosophy views all religions as portions of the one Truth and ways of salvation.

Vedic Culture does not present God in a sectarian way, as Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, or Christian. Hinduism offers a universal God and consciousness, beyond mere local traditions.

Hinduism has no concept of Jihad, holy wars, crusades or martyrdom.

Hindus do not target others for conversion.

Hinduism accepts that everyone has the right to choose their own spiritual path.

This is why followers of the Vedic path can live peacefully with those of other religions. Hinduism promotes seeing God in all living beings.

These and other points are given and explained in this booklet, which can be used by many different people. Please check it out at: www.stephen-knapp.com.

Other articles on the website that you may also find of interest include:
"World Peace is a Possibility,"
"When Religions Create Divisions and How to Avoid It,"
"Religious Unity,"
"Seeing the Divinity Within Everyone,"
"Spiritual Enlightenment: A Cure for Social Ills,"
and "A New Species of Humanity."

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