March 1, 2001 VNN6609 Related VNN StoriesComment on this story "Baseless Innuendo"
BY DINABANDHU DAS AUSTRALIA, Mar 1 (VNN) To all assembled Vaisnavas please accept my humble obeicanses all glories to Srila Prabhupada all glories to Srila Narayana Maharaj. All glories to my beloved Gurumaharaj Srila Gour Govinda Swami.
Recently the ISKCON cakra site published an article about an incident which occurred in Murwillumbah Australia during Srila Narayana Maharaja's January tour. At the local ISKCON farm Sriman Venu Gopal Prabhus' house was vandalised with some vicious and disturbing graffiti, which was the third or fourth time that this kind of damage had been inflicted on property belonging to ISKCON managers at the ISKCON farm over the last two years. All local devotees know that these incidences are internal ISKCON management related and have nothing to do with Srila Narayana Maharaja or his followers other than, devotees affiliated with the farm and also sympathetic to Srila Narayana Maharajas' followers, whom have taken it upon themselves to take action against the local managers in the name of Srila Narayana Maharaj, which is totally unauthorized by us and shunned by us as abhorrent and non Vaisnava behavior.
My name is Dinabandhu das and I have been recently requested by Srila Narayana Maharaj to accept responsibility for managing the local Gaudiya Math Temple along with a number of other devotees. I am a disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Gour Govinda Swami and I have been a member of ISKCON for the last 20 years and still consider myself a grand disciple of Srila Prabhupada .On the day after the incident concerning Sriman Venu Gopal Prabhu I personally rang him and discussed with him the incident and offered my heartfelt sorrow over this situation.
At that time He suggested to me that this incident was an internal problem and was not instigated by or condoned by our local Gaudiya Math further more on the 28th of February 2001 I met with Venu Gopal Prabhu (ISKCON CO-PRESIDENT) and again discussed this issue at which time he again confirmed that this Vandalism was not the work of the followers of Srila Narayana Maharaj or his followers and that they know who has done this, but cannot prove it. I begged his permission to write this letter, not in retaliation but simply a humble request to the organizers of the cakra web site to remove this senseless article from public view as it is a baseless innuendo with distorted truths.
I am begging all Vaisnavas' to maintain the sweet Vaisnava behavior that our beloved Srila Prabhupada has taught us and stop this madness of criticizing and denigrating each other .This Samkirtana movement is the prime benediction of this retched age of Kali Yuga and none of us are going to achieve anything by this mindless aparadha to each other. Please forgive me if I have caused any disturbance to anyone, my only desire is to see us all working together to push on Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhus' Movement.