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November 10, 2000 VNN6410 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
 Maria Accused Even Jayapataka Swami!

 INDIA, Nov 10 (VNN) Maria Accused Even Jayapataka Swami! More details Revealed!
By S.P Radhesh in Puri, bv_parivrajak@yahoo.com
Tulasi is virgin and pure as any other girl of her age, 6 years. This is the final verdict of the medical reports in Puri, Cuttack and Bhubaneshwar. Bhakta dasa and the others are all innocent. We should all try to do something to help him and the others to come out of the Puri jail. Here are some numbers for the Chief and Law Ministers of Orissa.The power to end the case is in their hands.
Law Minister fax # +91-674-404887 Phone# +91-674-401362 Chief Minister fax# +91-674-400100 Two secretaries to the Chief Minister phone number are +91-674-401206 and +91-674-400502.
Gurukuli Connections
It is somewhat curious that only two days after the Gurukuli's case in Dallas, Texas, appeared in the headlines all over the world, the alleged rape of Tulasi, the daughter of Maria Schimdova, took place. Nothing actually happened except the ingenious ploy of a bewildered woman, allegedly supported by the elder brother of the prime-accused Ashok Sahoo. Ashok, Maria's fiancee, is a disciple of Swami BA Paramadvaiti. They had been living together for several months and had planned to marry and settle in Austria.
Puri Land Dispute
It seems that a serious family dispute over the property of the late father of Ashok, worth 25 million Rupees or more, is the background of this surreal case. Before his arrest, Ashok Sahoo had expressed extreme fear of going home. According to Ashol, his brother, Alfred, had threatened to kill him because the latter wanted to retain all rights to their father's land, as oppossed to sharing it equitably between the seven brothers and sisters along with their aged mother. Amazingly, the police appear to have failed to look into this "seed cause" of this absurd and wicked plot.
Ashok's family insists that Alfred's wife has used the Indian rape laws to extract money and force her will on others previously!
Why no Psychiatirc or Mental Check Performed?
The local police authorities failed to order a psychiatric investigation of Maria Schmidova and her daughter, in spite of the repeated appeals from all the accused. I also several times told the Superintendent of Police, Puri, and the Crime Branch directors in Cuttack that the Slovakian lady is mentally deranged and she should be examined by eminently qualified and unbiased mental health specialists, so that the case will come to an end. Maria went on ranting and raving. She began to accuse many more people, maybe in the attempt to complicate the issue. The conspiracy spiraled out of control!
Jayapataka Swami Involved
Maria Schmidova accused Jayapataka Swami to massage cream on her breasts and that the ISKCON guru attempted to have sex relations with her. She also criticised heavily Swami Paramadvaiti because he tried to impede her "love" relations with Ashok Sahoo.
Attempt to Bribe Mandali Bhadra
On the morning that she filed in German her 48 long page FIR (First Information Report), she came to Mandali Bhadra dasa's house in Balia Panda, Puri on June 29th, 2000 at 8.30 in the morning and offered him $ 1,000 if he would help her to put Ashok Sahoo in jail. The previous evening Maria had received the visit of Ashok's elder brother, Alfred, while Ashok was in Bhubaneshwar gertting his passport made to fly away to Austria and marry Maria. We can only conjecture that Alfred polluted Maria's mind, telling her that Ashok was a cheat and she should punish him accordingly. Most likely the conspiracy started then. Since Mandali Badra did not agree with her offer, she added his name in the abovementioned FIR (Please, note that the FIR was written at 9 in the morning, just half an hour after Mandali Bhadra's refusal to serve her preplanned and well meditated plot. Note also that, Bhakta dasa's name does not appear at all in the FIR and that has been inserted later on.)
Still A Virgin!
Tulasi is virgin and pure as any other girl of her age, 6 years. This is the final verdict of the medical reports in Puri, Cuttack and Bhubaneshwar. Bhakta dasa and the others are all innocent. I remember this little girl being interrogated by police authorities, investigators, lawyers and so many others. Of course Tulasi knew the whole truth, but, poor girl, she could not speak. She had to keep her nonsensical version of the facts to defend her mother. It must have been very painful for this small girl. For two long months she kept on repeating hallucinating words. Perhaps she even tried to believe that something really happened to her. But actually nothing happened to her. I cannot imagine the psychological pressure she received from her mother to enact this horrible (false) drama.
Vaisnavas Unite
The international Vaisnava communities must take serious interest in this case. Bhakta das and the other three accused have spent more than half of their lives in activities of devotional service. Among the four arrested, Bhakta dasa is well known in all the Vaisnava circles as an intelligent, active and honest devotee of Sri Chaitanya. It is sad to remember the way Bhakta dasa is being treated by Mother India, the country that he has served with a deep sense of devotion all his life.
Ban Maria for Life
Life is so bewildering sometimes. Our power of control is so limited. The image of Maria Schmidova flashes in my mind. She came to Puri, disturbed the life of innumerable people and then returned to her country. Nobody tried to stop her. Nobody moved a finger to clear the fog about a rape that never occurred at any time here in the holy dham of Lord Jagannath. There are four people in the Puri jail because of this insane woman. This is very sad, but it is the truth. Such a serious injustice and all the imprisoned are Vaisnavas. This adds injury to the insult. Why did the local police authorities not do anything to stop this madwoman? Why did they let her speak all her nonsense without arguing with her? Local people say that policemen have been paid by Maria Schmidova to further her heinous lies to the "court of justice"! Whatever the case, the medical reports are unanimous that there has been no rape. Should not the Indian Government ban Maria from stepping foot again in India?
Permanent Effects
Her activities have damaged permanently the lives of those arrested and their families. The future of all Western Vaisnavas in Puri in particular, and other dhams is also seriouisly endangered by the false publicity, which has implicated innocent Vaisnavas. Should not the Indian Government ban Maria from stepping foot again in India?
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