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November 6, 2000 VNN6377 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
 Immortal Bacteria?

 USA, Nov 6 (VNN) Some bacteria hibernate as spores, which lets them survive long periods in harsh conditions, but findings of really old bacteria have always been greeted skeptically. This week, Nature publishes an astonishing story about the raising of bacteria from spores trapped in a 250-million-year-old salt crystal from New Mexico.
The DNA of the unknown Bacillus species most closely resembles that of Bacillus marismotui, which thrives in salty conditions. The scientists took great pains to avoid contamination so the finding seems credible, although other investigators still need a crack at it. Just how anything living can survive so long is still a mystery, but it does give new - um, life to the concept of panspermia (the transport of life between planets by natural forces). You'll find links to the Nature article, in summary or full text PDF, here as well as commentary on the significance of the finding.
Complete story: http://www.nature.com/nature/fow/001019.html

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