April 4, 2000 VNN5805 Comment on this story
Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu With Tikas Again Available
SRI SRI RADHAGOVINDJI TRUST, CALCUTTA, INDIA, Apr 4 (VNN) The 2nd. edition of Rupa Goswamis' "Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu" is now ready. To date this is the only English edition available that includes the original Sanskrit text with word for word translations as well as translations of tikas by Jiva, Visvanath, and Mukundas Goswamins. Translation by Param Pujyapad Tridandi Swami Bhakti Hridaya Vana (Bon) Maharaj, Ph.D., D.D., who is the 3rd life-long Sannyasa disciple of Prabhupada Saraswati Thakura, and "Guru-tattva" to thousands of Krishna Bhaktas.
The book is available from 'Bhajan Kutir' Vrindaban, or 'Bhajan Ashram' Calcutta at the addresses given below.
Bon Maharaj Bhajan Kutir Madan Mohan Ghera Vrindavan - 281121 (Mathura) U.P.
Bon Maharaj Bhajan Ashram 86 Diamond Harbor Road Shilpara - Barrisha Calcutta-700008 India
The honorarium has been fixed at $25 payable by bank draft drawn in favour of "Sri Sri Radhagovindji Trust".
Be sure to include your mailing address with payment.
Bhakti purna pranams,
Dasanudas, Svarup Mitra
On behalf of Tridandi Swami Gopananda Bon Maharaj and Sri Sri Radhagovindji Trust
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