March 30, 2000 VNN5775 Comment on this story
Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj Vyasa Puja
USA, Mar 30 (VNN) — Sri Sri Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
Dear Devotees, Kindly accept our dandabat pranams.
Please note that the 13th of April (12th in the UK) is the Holy Appearance day of Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj (Ramnavami). If anyone has any written offerings for Vyasa Puja that they would like to have forwarded to Him, email us ( and we will send them all to our godbrothers in India to give to Maharaj on that date.
Please note that the last word we have received with regards to the tour dates is the following:
ENGLAND, 6 though 17 May
FRANCE, 18 through 29 May
HOLLAND, 30 May through 4 June
NEW YORK, 5 through 14 June
MONTREAL 15 through 22 June
RETURN TO INDIA, via Amsterdam, 23 through 25 JuneOur most sincere thanks to all for your continued enthusiasm and service. We will be in touch with more specifics later.
Vaishnavdasanudas Akincana das, Lalita dasi and Vrinda devi dasi
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