March 16, 2000 VNN5691 Comment on this story
The Maha-mantra Case
USA, Mar 16 (VNN) Dear Prabhus, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Many of you have read the police report concerning Maha-mantra dasa's abuse. The incidents described therein comprise only a tip of the iceberg. This man has committed atrocities too numerous - and too horrible - to mention in a public forum. Shanta-devi has chosen to make this information public so that we can all learn some valuable lessons | |
Over the years, Shanta-devi dasi has tried to tell her story to many devotees and leaders in the movement. Unfortunately, she was not taken seriously enough. Granted, Maha-mantra dasa was expert in covering his tracks, but many devotees were aware that Shanta-devi and her children were being severely abused. A good number of them witnessed it firsthand.
Shanta-devi has chosen to make this information public so that we can all learn some valuable lessons. Domestic abuse is everyone's business. It is not a private matter. Its effects on society are profound and far-reaching, and therefore we all need to be educated on this important subject matter. We can no longer afford to ignore it. Too many people have suffered in silence for too long.
If you suspect anyone of committing violence towards others, please speak up. Quite often the victims are being held hostage by the abuser, and they are afraid of divulging the dark secret of abuse lest they be hurt once again. So it is incumbent upon us all to demonstrate real compassion by actively getting involved. Looking the other way only prolongs the abuse and suffering - a great disservice indeed.
Maha-mantra dasa has been given many opportunities to admit his wrongs and make amends. We have approached him time and time again, but all we've heard is lies, denial, and a complete lack of remorse. So now he must be made accountable for his actions. Justice will prevail.
As for Shanta-devi and her family, their lives have been irrevocably changed. They came to Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet for shelter, but instead they were repeatedly kicked by a man with no conscience. At present, they are in hiding - afraid for their own lives. How could this happen in our movement? And, more importantly, why did this happen?
Shanta-devi has not received a penny of child support. Maha-mantra dasa told her lawyer that he "doesn't work and has no money." Yet he travels the world freely (presently in India), and financially supports a controversial preaching center here in Victoria. Meanwhile, Shanta-devi struggles to survive on less than adequate support from welfare. After paying her rent and bills, she has less than $50 per month for food and living expenses. This is a fact.
If you would like to help this family begin to heal from their devastating experience, a bank account has been opened on their behalf (see below). Some practical support from the Vaisnava community will go a long way towards their recovery - and towards restoring their faith in devotees.
Ultimately, we hope this tragedy will serve a higher purpose. Perhaps it may help others to tell their own stories of abuse - without fear. The light of truth can drive away all darkness.
For those who are interested, a complete history of Maha-mantra dasa's abuse is available upon request (
Thank you very much.
Your servant, Padmapani das
Shanta Dasi P.O. Box 23059 4 - 313 Cook St. Victoria, B.C. V8V 4Z8 CANADA
Victoria, B.C.
V8V 4Z8
(Please makes checks payable to: R. McNaughton)
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