March 7, 2000 VNN5631 Comment on this story About the Author Other Stories by this Author
Krsna Karuna Has Left The Planet
USA, Mar 7 (VNN) To the assembled Vaisnava readers at VNN:
Hare Krsna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept my fallen obeisances.
na jayate mriyate va kadacin nayam bhutva bhavita va na bhuyah ajo nityah sasvato 'yam purano na hanyate hanyamane sarire
On Sunday morning, March 5th, at approximately 12:25am Mother Krsna Karuna prabhu left this earthly realm to go to where Krsna has taken her.
Married to Garuda Vahan prabhu for 35 years, they joined the movement together in the early 1970s. Seeing Mother Krsna Karuna's leaving in the peaceful manner that she did, she was very much affected by this, and because of this, she started reading "Krsna Book" | |
The mother of four children, (Nitai, Sudama, Tulasi and Kartika prabhus), she devoted her life to the service of Srila Prabhupada and her family. She was a first class example of a chaste and faithful wife and an untiring and loving mother, (not only to her own children, but to so many other children as well).
She was always very enthusiastic in whatever it was that she was doing. By her warmth, kindness, and caring for people, so many of them became attracted to Krsna consciousness in various degrees. Despite her being 48 years old, she along with her husband and children would go hiking and acted as if she was still the youth of 25 years old.
She assisted her husband in his Krsna consciousness and her children as well. And they in turn assisted her in her leaving.
Nine weeks ago, Mother Krsna Karuna prabhu was told by doctors that she had cancer in the neck. The family was told that she had only three weeks to live. Krsna Karuna prabhu and the family decided to try natural treatments and she appeared to make some improvement, although bed-ridden. Pictures of Srila Prabhupada and Krsna were put all over her room on the walls, with Srila Prabhupada on tape 24 hours non-stop. Nine weeks after the original diagnosis, it became obvious that Krsna wanted to take His devotee from this earthly realm. With family members and other devotees who had come in loving mood gathered around Mother Krsna Karuna's bed, kirtan started and built into a tumultious roar with devotees beginning to dance ecstatically.
Garuda Vahan prabhu looked at his wife and the children their mother, understanding that she, even at this hour of coming death, was still staying with them because she felt it her duty to stay and serve them, that Krsna Karuna Mataji was waiting for their consent that she had their permission to leave. Garuda Vahan prabhu said, "It's alright. Krsna has come to take you. You can go with Him." Their children present there agreed with him. When Krsna Karuna Mataji felt assured that her family had given their full approval and that it was alright to go, she left most peacefully with a smile on her lips, a Deity of Krsna in her hands, and Mother Pratima prabhu blowing the conch.
Mother Krsna Karuna prabhu preached while she was living through her loving warmth and kindness shown to everyone with whom she came in contact, be they conscious or unconscious devotees, (or as most ISKCON devotees say, "karmis"). Even in her leaving, she also preached by her peaceful manner of acceptance of death.
Garuda Vahan prabhu's two sisters were present for Mother Krsna Karuna's leaving. One of them has a job where she regularly sees people leaving their bodies in great attachment and fear. Seeing Mother Krsna Karuna's leaving in the peaceful manner that she did, she was very much affected by this, and because of this, she started reading "Krsna Book" as well as other books by Srila Prabhupada. Garuda Vahan prabhu's other sister was also very much positively affected, even more so than the other sister.
She was so amazed that she started chanting Hare Krsna and reading. Garuda Vahan prabhu said that he had tried for years to get this particular sister to chant, etc., but could get nowhere. Somehow, Krsna Karuna prabhu, through her exemplary leaving, CONVINCED this other sister as well, of the potency of this process of Krsna consciousness.
The chiropracter who had been working on Krsna Karuna Mataji through these last weeks was also most amazed by Krsna Karuna prabhu's composure throughout the whole ordeal, and her leaving. His heart was also greatly affected Krsna consciously and he expressed his desire to learn more about Krsna consciousness and devotees.
Mother Krsna Karuna was a faithful and chaste wife, a wonderful and loving mother to her children, and a very sweet and beautiful devotee. After serving her beloved father and spiritual master Srila Prabhupada for so many years, and giving Krsna consciousness, warmth and joy to so many other people who came into her contact, she has finally been taken by the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna.
I remain your servant,
Mahavegavati Dasi Hare Krsna
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