February 24, 2000 VNN5545 Comment on this story
Anniversary Of Srila Prabhupad
INDIA, Feb 24 (VNN) Dear devotees, Dandabat pranams.
The vyasa puja offering for the advent anniversary of HDG Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada, which is this Thursday. This offering comes from the pen of Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj.
All Glory to Sree Guru & Gauranga! Sree Vyasapuja
On the occasion of the Holy Advent Anniversary of Sreemat Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur, the pioneer of the present Krishna-Bhakti Movement throughout the world.
His Divine Grace 108 Sree Sreemat Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad in His Prati-Abhibhashan (address in response to the devotional prayers and floral tributes of His disciples) on the occasion of His Advent Anniversary said - "O my well-wisher friend redeemers! Before speaking anything at the inception, with devotional submission to Preceptorial channel, I pay my prostrated obeisances to the Lotus Feet of my Most Revered Gurudeva Who is the inconceivable simultaneous distinct and non-distinct manifestation of 'Vishnu and Vaishnavas'. My Sree Gurudeva is the manifestation of the pastimes of Vishnu-vigraha (Godhead- Embodiment of All-Existence, All-Knowledge and All-Bliss) as His Absolute-Counterpart-Servitor. Though He is God's dearest Vishnu-vigraha, yet He is existing in the hearts of all living beings of the world in the form of a Vaishnava to rescue a fallen soul like me. Although this sort of ritualistic Gurupuja has got some efficacy, it is not all. It will be actual Gurupuja if the teachings of Gurudeva are accepted and practised. | |
"Gurudeva in Human Form, which is the best amongst of all living beings, is my only object of worship.Visible world is eager to serve Him, but aman like me, who is averse to God, is satisfied in thinking Gurudeva to be a perfect man. Human beings, as devotees of that perfect man, are all Vaishnavas. They are manifestations of my Gurudeva in various forms. Positively they are my Guru-varga and instructors, negatively they are persons, who at the Time of performing Bhajan are very much eager to hear delirium from an abominable wretched person like me. It seems to me that along with them, unitedly, I am capable of reciting what I have heard from Sree Gurudeva . I have got no audacity to teach the world, because the peculiar characteristics of Vishnu-Vaishnava-tattva are incomprehensible. Although they are eternally distinct, they are at the same time nondistinct, which is inconceivable." Sree Vyasapuja Ceremony, Sree Gaudiya Math,
Ultadangi, Calcutta, Maghi Krishna Panchami Tithi, Fiftieth Advent Anniversary on 12th Falgun, 1330 Bengali era.
Vyasapuja is generally celebrated by all sects of Sree Sanatan Dharma in India on Ashari-Purnima tithi (Full moon day in the month of 'Ashar'-Bengali calendar month) on the occasion of the Appearance of Sree Krishna-Dvaipayan Veda-vyas Muni. But it is also the injunction of the scriptures for a Sannyasi to perform Gurupuja especially on his Advent day. Sreela Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad in accordance to the scriptural injunction performed worship of His Gurudeva especially on the day of His own appearance. In this way it is introduced in all groups of Saraswata Gaudiya Sampradaya throughout the world. It is ordinarily understood that the ritualistic performance of offering floral tributes to the Lotus feet of Gurudeva is ' Gurupuja'. Although this sort of ritualistic Gurupuja has got some efficacy, it is not all. It will be actual Gurupuja if the teachings of Gurudeva are accepted and practised. We should note the salient points in the teachings of Sreela Saraswati Goswami Thakur in His Prati-Abhibhashan to His disciples: 1) Unconditional submission to Preceptorial channel
2) Gurudeva is the Absolute-Counterpart-Servitor of the Supreme Lord
3) A true Vaishnava and a true Gurudeva are identical
4) Servitors of true Vaishnavas and true Gurudeva are true Vaishnavas
5) Propagation of the Gospel of Divine Love of Lord Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu can be successfully performed through the association of the bonafide Vaishnavas. Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur also in his last message has given especial emphasis to preach the message of Sree Rupa Goswami unitedly in the association of true devotees and to have complete dedication to Sankirtana-yajna.
6) Preachers should not have the vanity that they are competent to do prachar. Propagation of the message of Divine Love cannot be effectively done without humbleness.
Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha
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