February 16, 2000 VNN5484 Comment on this story
It Is Not Too Late To Enroll
MAYAPUR, INDIA, Feb 16 (VNN) We just finished the first week of the first Mayapur Institute of Higher Education semester. More than 240 students enrolled in twelve courses offered by eight teachers.
About 110 students are taking English medium courses. Forty of these students are from outside India. The rest are local western devotees and devotees from other parts of India. We anticipate quite a few more international students enrolling as devotees begin to arrive in Mayapur for the GBC meetings and Mayapur Festival. More than 240 students enrolled in twelve courses offered by eight teachers. | |
We have about 130 Bengali medium students enrolled in Bengali medium courses.
I heard many comments from the teachers and students, and without fail everyone involved feels there is a positive, uplifting mood and that the courses are producing exciting and stimulating discussions. Bhakti Caru Swami said, "I wanted this to happen in Mayapur for many years, and now it is finally happening in a wonderful way. This will help many devotees."
Radhasyamasundara Prabhu, the Mayapur Festival manager, is predicting that the Festival will draw fifty percent fewer devotees than usual, but we are expecting fifty to a hundred more devotees to enroll in MIHE for the third, fourth and fifth weeks.
In Mayapur you'll have easy access to serene places of study, potent places of pilgrimage, a complete reference library, great association, gorgeous Deities, enlivening morning and evening programs, nice accommodations, and great prasadam.
We have an application deadline of February 16th for the 3rd and 4th weeks and February 25 for the 5th week.
You can see our course schedule and descriptions at our website:
And then you can apply on line.
Or you can send me an e-mail message at
We look forward to your association in Sridhama Mayapur.
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