USA, Feb 7 (VNN) — Dear Devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.'; Since the posting of my Reverse Speech study of Srila Prabhupada's last days I have read of several persons attempting to dismiss Reverse Speech in general as some sort of craziness or illusion. In all the cases that I know of, they have arrived at such a prejudiced conclusion without even bothering to review my work or the speech reversals of other researchers. Hmmm, not quite what you would call an open mind or a scientific investigation. While such mental gymnastics may serve to protect their psyche from the implications of the unwanted results, it does not serve them well in learning the truth.
It is not surprising that this is done. Reverse Speech researchers have observed this reaction often, and for issues much less emotional than this one. People who don't want to know the truth, for whatever reason, or cannot accept the implications of what the speech reversals communicate, are often found to dismiss the whole thing as nonsense, or as coincidental sounds. They say that the listener simply hears what he wants to hear. I will agree that this could possibly be the case when simply a word or two are heard, but the odds against it quickly rise as the length of the phrase is increased.
In this posting therefore I offer for your consideration evidence that will show you that it is all but impossible that these speech reversals are chance sounds. For besides showing lengthy sentences, I present conversations that take place entirely within Reverse Speech! It then becomes obvious that we not only speak in reverse, but speak with the purpose of being heard, and of communicating. And what better proof would there be of that then to hear an obvious reply to the first statement, or a continuing exchange?
A simple example of reverse conversation was found in a recording of my brother's birthday party. Seemingly quite out of the blue in reverse my mother identifies herself as a Christian. Click on the link to hear her say: 'I-I Christian.'. She was saying this obviously to communicate the fact to those of us present. I apparently unconsciously heard her, for about 3 minutes later in the conversation I responded by saying in reverse: 'I Vaishnava'.
In my study of Reverse Speech I had occasionally come across other exchanges, although they are not all that common, probably due to the context of most of the speech that I was analyzing. Yet when doing the Reverse Speech analysis of Srila Prabhupada's last days I discovered many exchanges, or conversations, all taking place in reverse! While someone may try to explain the sounds heard in Reverse Speech as a shear coincidence, finding statements that relate to each other as when we consciously speak, is totally outside all possibility of chance. These "sounds" must then be accepted as intentional communication, however unconscious. I will present 10 such exchanges in this next series of posts. Not only will these destroy the zchance sounds" idea, but they will give irrefutable evidence that Srila Prabhupada was given poison with the deliberate intention of killing him. Such was (is) the mentality of the persons who participated in this business, although my steadfast opinion is that Srila Prabhupada left this world on his own volition, at a time when he wanted.
Consider this first exchange. The sentences by both Tamal Krishna and Srila Prabhupada are fairly lengthy. But not only that, Tamal responds to Prabhupada's request to be saved with a refusal that urges him to accept his demise. This conversation is to be found on tape T38, recorded on November 3rd and 4th, 1977. The section of conversation where this exchange was found is transcribed below, and the parts where the speech reversals occurred are bracketed.
The proximity of these two statements are close enough together that they can easily be understood as a statement-response.
Prabhupada: This is the decision, that [in case it does not improve], let me die here. If it improves, I shall be very glad to go... (Bengali)
Krishna dasa Babaji: (Bengali) (break)
Tamal Krishna: No. Improvement hasn't come yet. Simply because you're drinking more, [passing more urine, is not the sign of any improvement]. (Bengali conversation between Prabhupada and Krishna dasa Babaji) (end of tape)
Prabhupada: Look, you've come back to save me
This is the decision, that [in case it does not improve], let me die here.
Tamal Krishna: Look maybe nows the time to know youre only dead
because you're drinking more, [passing more urine, is not the sign of any improvement.]
Coincidental sounds? Hardly. This is clear communication. Tamal hears, and then, flatly refuses Srila Prabhupadas request.
This statement of Prabhupada's is 1of at least 7 such appeals in Reverse Speech that he be saved. Significantly, there are also NO speech reversals by Srila Prabhupada that would indicate that he wanted to be relieved of his suffering by being poisoned, or otherwise brought to an early death. I say this to emphatically refute the idea offered by Tamal Krishna, as recorded by Satsvarupa Goswami shortly after Prabhupadas samadhi, that Srila Prabhupada had requested such a mercy killing. This wave file and transcript can be found in the VNN archives on the poison issue.
The next conversation will make the Bhagavatam come to life for us, for far from being stories of events and phenomenon that took place in the distant past, they are with us even today. This first conversation brings to mind the passing away of Druva Maharaja. The following quotes from the Srimad Bhagavatam remind us of how Druva left this world:
S.B. 4.12.19: As soon as the symptoms of his liberation were manifest, he saw a very beautiful airplane coming down from the sky, as if the brilliant full moon were coming down, illuminating all the ten directions. 4.12.27 [The airplane attendants addressed Druva:] O immortal one, this unique airplane has been sent by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by selected prayers and who is the chief of all living entities. You are quite worthy to board such a plane.
"The associates of Lord Vishnu brought the special airplane for Dhruva Mahäräja and then informed him that Lord Vishnu had especially sent this airplane. The Vaikuntha airplane does not move by mechanical arrangement. There are three processes for moving in outer space. One of the processes is known to the modern scientist. It is called ka-pota-vayu. Ka means zouter space," and pota means zship." There is a second process also called kapota-vayu. Kapota means zpigeon." One can train pigeons to carry one into outer space. The third process is very subtle. It is called akasha-patana. This akasha-patana system is also material. Just as the mind can fly anywhere one likes without mechanical arrangement, so the akasha-patana airplane can fly at the speed of mind. Beyond this akasha-patana system is the Vaikuntha process, which is completely spiritual. The airplane sent by Lord Vishnu to carry Dhruva Maharaja to Sishumara was a completely spiritual, transcendental airplane. Material scientists can neither see such vehicles nor imagine how they fly in the air. The material scientist has no information about the spiritual sky, although it is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita (paras tasmat tu bhavo 'nyaù [Bg. 8.20]).
We understand from this passage that the great souls pass from this world on special vehicles by the arrangement of the Supreme Lord. The following conversation in Reverse Speech refers to such a vehicle for Srila Prabhupada!
On November 4th 1977, ten days prior to Prabhupada's departure I found the following speech reversal from Tamal Krishna:
Tamal Krishna: I want to see a Starship';
"which [would show that things are going well], are definitely present."
When I first found this speech reversal I was uncertain as to what it referred to and paid little attention to it. However, upon discovering the speech reversals from November 11, 1977, three days prior to Srila Prabhupada's departure, I understood exactly what it meant. zStarship" is understood by this exchange to be a Reverse Speech metaphor that refers to the Vaikuntha airplane that carries exalted souls to the spiritual sky, as explained above in the excerpt from the Bhagavatam. What follows is the Reverse Speech conversation excerpted from my study zWhen A Man Is Poisoned It Is Said Like That."
Observation of the Starship
The following conversation is taken from T47 Side B Tape Counter 535-604, recorded on November 11, 1977. Almost the entire conversation is in Hindi or Bengali, and is noted simply as [Hindi]. My comments are indented and are in italics.
Kaviraj: Star ship';'; Bhavananda: I see';'; Srila Prabhupada: {koi?}, star ship
Srila Prabhupada: [Hindi]'; Bhavananda: [Isa]'; Kaviraj: [Isa]';';
At this time they all acknowledge the presence of a Starship. Is this the Vaikuntha airplane discussed above as the vehicle which transfers great souls at the time of death to the spiritual planets? Given the timing, that Srila Prabhupada leaves this world in just a few days, we can confidently conclude that it is, and that these speech reversals define this metaphor as such. Tamal Krishna had, exactly one week earlier, implored the presence of the Starship. We now understand that by that speech reversal he was imploring Prabhupada's death. Now the three of them see the Starship, and within 2 minutes Tamal will also acknowledge its presence. Note that although both the Kaviraj and Bhavananda say the same word "Isa" forward, but the reversals make totally different word(s) which have the same meaning! Kaviraj: Save him
The Kaviraj, upon seeing the starship and realizing the imminence of Prabhupada's departure, makes yet another appeal to the conspirators to save Srila Prabhupada. The Kaviraj has made several such appeals found on the tapes analyzed. He was understood to be a strict Vaishnava, and seems to have always been Srila Prabhupadas well wisher. His speech reversals indicate that he was both threatened and bribed to play along with the drama, and this gave him considerable angst.
Bhakta Caru: Nemesis
[he said that]
The Kaviraj having seen the Starship realizes that Prabhupada's death is perhaps very near and implores those present to save him. But Bhakti Caru replies with a curt "nemesis." This statement is a reference to the Kaviraj and would indicate that Bhakti Caru sees the Kaviraj as an adversarial agent, someone who is against their nefarious plans. This statement as a rebuttal to the doctor's plea to save Prabhupada simply dismisses the doctor and his plea. He further replies with the next reversal that he will not save Prabhupada, but will continue to give Prabhupada poisons.
Bhakta Caru: Nasty, gonna serve milk
[was literally in pain]
Bhakti Caru exclaims that he is going to continue to serve milk. As we have seen in so many speech reversals, the milk has been the vehicle for the poison, and he therefore describes it as nasty. Kaviraj: Will kill the next {thing? day?}
The Kaviraj realizes from the circumstances that this milk may be the final dose that finishes off Srila Prabhupada. Indeed, this recording was made just 3 days prior to Prabhupada's departure. The Starship had arrived to carry him to away and was simply awaiting his decision to use it to return to the spiritual realm. Tamal Krishna: Starship / we have seen it
[did Shastri]ji get the letters he was looking for [in Jaipur]?
Here Tamal reports seeing the Starship, just about two minutes after the above mention of Starship by the others. The phrase is separated somewhat in the forward conversation. Note that this is presented as two reversals "Starship," and "we have seen it." Bhakta Caru: Making it now, my true confession
Since the Starship is present and Prabhupada's death is now imminent, Bhakti Caru decides to make his "true confession," his admission to killing Prabhupada, which is given in his very next reversal, and which is formed as a link reversal with Tamal who shares in the crime. Link reversal of both Bhakti Caru & Tamal Krishna: I kill
Tamal Krishna: {here?} Bhakta Caru: yea
Together Tamal Krishna and Bhakti Caru admit and confess to the killing. This reversal, combined with Bhakti Caru's previous reversal cannot be understood as coincidence, nor can it be explained in any other way. This is obviously a conversation wherein upon realizing Prabhupada's imminent departure the two main conspirators offer their confession! Link reversals such as this are found throughout Reverse Speech and are formed when both speakers are in total harmony in consciousness. The fact that they both make this confession simultaneously reveals both of them to be conspirators in the attempt to kill the acarya. Tamal follows with one final word, an understatement to say the least, which sums up the whole affair. Tamal Krishna: Heavy
[any message?]
What more can I say? This conversation speaks for itself, the conspirators speak for themselves and reveal who they actually are.
Other Conversations in Reverse Speech will be forthcoming over the course of the next month.