January 21, 2000 VNN5315 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
Disasterous Public Relations
USA, Jan 21 (VNN) Vipramukhya Swami's Letter to Hari Sauri
Subject: Satyadhanya defending ISKCON?
Dear Hari Sauri Prabhu, et al, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Now whether the GBC feel that having him represent them is too big of a liability or not, that is for them to decide. All I can say in this regard is that he is doing a good job, he has dedicated a tremendous amount of time and energy into this case and is certainly competent to handle it.
VMS: Personally, I would prefer not having my name connected in any way whatsoever with Satadhanya. If Adri wants to sue me, fine, but I don't want my name associated with Satadhanya. He will bring (and is presently bringing) disasterous public relations to ISKCON by being involved with this case in any way. I'm glad I waited before sending my "power of attorney" off to him. I think I will prefer to hold off on that. I am not sending mine now.
** Whatever way the GBC decides to deal with this, it should be considered carefully that Satadhanya is playing an important role in helping to counter the ritviks attempts to destroy the current leadership of this movement. His removal from this service would greatly hamper the GBC and would fall right into the hands of the ritviks.
VMS: With all due respect, Satadhanya's name is dirt, and having him associated in any way whatsoever in this will simply fuel the ritvikfire more and more. Even my hearing his name associated with this makes me not want to have anything to do with it, and VNN will continue to have a festival at our expense. Someone may see that as helpful, but the PR damage is unbelievable. Please stop this, it's causing more people to lose whatever fading faith they still have left in ISKCON.
Your servant,
Vipramukhya Swami
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