© 1999 VNN


April 24, 1999   VNN3687  

Devotees' Home Burns Down In Badger, California


USA, Apr 24 (VNN) — This morning the house of second generation devotees Gaurangi devi dasi and Sridama das of Badger burned to the ground with all their Deities, devotional paraphernalia and worldly possessions. By Krishna's grace no one was injured in the fire that started from the wood stove and flashed through the small home. Gaurangi narrowly escaped with her 2 babies and toddler, and an additional toddler she was babysitting.

By the time the local fire department arrived at the scene 35 minutes after the original 911 call, the house was virtually destroyed. Sridama, Gaurangi, and their three children have the clothes on their backs, an older vehicle, and faith in Krishna and His devotees. And thats about it. Let us take this as an opportunity to help some sincere devotees who are in need.

A trust fund has been set up, and financial contributions are both greatly needed and appreciated. Checks may be made out and sent to:

Paul Groover (Datta das)
P.O. Box 48
Badger, CA 93603

Any other contributions (for example, of devotional items or clothing, or whatever you would like to contribute) would also be greatly appreciated.

You may reach Sridama and Gaurangi at the home of Mahi Bharata (559) 337-2411 if youd like to inquire as to any specific personal needs. Any Email inquiries may be made via Datta at PFGroover@AOL.Com .

Their mailing address is:
P.O. Box 102
Badger, CA 93603
(a few kind words would go a long way)

Thank you for your generosity and concern. Hare Krishna!

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