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February 25, 1999   VNN3167   See Related VNN Stories

Xena Invokes The Help Of Krishna

USA, Feb 25 (VNN) — In the latest episode "The Way" - "Xena, Warrior Princess, invokes the help of Krishna to rescue Gabrielle and Eli from Indrajit, the King of the Demons", according to Universal Studios, who will air the popular TV show this Saturday.

Not so fast, said some. According to some reports the group who orchestrated the protest about Madonna's MTV show featuring Krishna and Indian dancers has now launched a protest campaign against this upcoming TV show:

"Hindus and Vaishnavas have voiced concern and are planning a variety of protests at the "fictionalization" of Krishna, and you can do your part right from your computer, as described at the end of this article. "Xena: Warrior Princess" is an action series shot in New Zealand. The heroine Xena is a Greek goddess type character who engages in regular battles with both fictional "gods" and mortals. Her closest associates are all female warrior types. In this show Krishna helps her achieve her goals." and "Thus, there is genuine concern that having a fictionalized Krishna help Xena save her girlfriend will be seen as a promotion or endorsement of the homosexual lifestyle by Lord Krishna, who helps them become reunited."

This controversy sparked a lively discussion in the VNN forums (excerpts):

"It is most wonderful "Xena" is using the Holy nama of Krishna, even if misrepresenting so many thousands of people will be given the opportunity to think , ask "who is Krishna really? If Xena is a "good gal" and Krishna is on her side, is that not good for PR for most (presumably, non-devotee viewers) who have no idea of Krishna!"

"However Bhagavan, Sri Krsna is their worshipful Lord, and they will not be to happy if you portray Him inaccurately and as a mere fictional character. The media has portrayed George Burns as God, and I can't imagine how many devout Christans took offense to think that God is a cigar smoking womanizer. Please don't make a similar mistake."

"As the Krishna Consciousness Movement grows and grows, Lord Krishna's fame will continue to spread. It will hardly be practical to try and stop every single person from harboring misconceptions about our Lord Sri Krishna. "

"Hey, Xena is a a kick butt ksatriya type protecting the weak from demons and such. What's the big deal? Lighten up folks. And lets not get too fussy about lesbians . How many homosexual swamis have you known in the movement and offered obeisances and prasadam etc.?"

"I don't condone Lord Krishna being depicted in a mythical fashion. But neither do I think we do our cause any justice by coming across as dogmatic burn-em-at-the-stake Puritans. The pop musical "Hair" utilized the maha mantra with nude dancers but as far as I know, Srila Prabhupada didn't launch a public protest against the production."

"Devotees of Krsna have gotten a pretty bad rap in the news media in general. Although some of it may have been warranted I do not believe they have gotten a fair shake. In the particular episode in question Krsna is portrayed in a positive light. Now Joe American is sitting in front of the tube and sees that Krsna is not such a bad guy, and therefore those who worship him must not be so bad after all. I am sure there are many out there who would have expected and maybe even wanted Krsna to be portrayed as a demon. "

"Best to offer a positive alternative in a light hearted constructive manner. Other wise Krishna's devotees will appear to be hypocritical TV zombies. (No one really expects monks or religious people to be watching TV, never mind violent, sex oriented make-belive "entertainment"!) Just make a laughing stock out of devotees by sounding disturbed. Whats next - reading Playboy and see if Krishna is propperly being presented there?!"

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