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August 15, 2003   VNN8283  

Free "Meet Your Meat" CD


USA, Aug 15 (VNN) — If you are an animal lover, one who cares for the environment, then ask for the free CD. The CD has the video clip " Meet your Meat" narrated by Alec Baldwin, along with several other video clips on relevant Animal Rights issues as well as a host of other literature and website's on the same subject.

I send the CD to anyone, pledging, to make at least 4 copies to give to their meat eating friends. The hope is that each one of these friends in turn will see value in changing themselves and then make additional copies to share with their friends and thus we have a chain... a geometric progression.

We can truly make an impact to reduce factory farming. In the process make the world a lot more compassionate.

If you agree forward your MAILING ADDRESS (Not email address) to Chalissa1@aol.com

I will promply send you the CD.

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