January 17, 2000 VNN5287 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
Reply To Gauridasa Pandit Dasa
L.A., USA, Jan 17 (VNN) New Dvaraka Temple Board's Reply to the Open Letter of Gauridasa Pandit Dasa to the New Dvaraka Temple President
Dear Gauridasa Pandit Prabhu,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
The New Dvaraka temple board unanimously rejects your request that the Rtvik Heresy pamphlet be removed from the temple room. The pamphlet reflects the official ISKCON policy on disciplic succession, as affirmed and reaffirmed by the GBC in various resolutions. We therefore find it entirely appropriate to have the pamphlet identifying rtvikism as a dangerous heresy available in the temple room, so that guests and members are not misled about Prabhupada's desires for carrying on the disciplic succession.
The New Dvaraka temple board also rejects your suggestion for a debate. This rtvik issue has been debated at all levels of ISKCON for many years. In 1990 there was a GBC sponsored debate at the San Diego temple. In 1996, the New Dvaraka temple leaders arranged for a debate between leading members of the GBC and leading proponents of the rtvik heresy at the Los Angeles temple. At the last GBC meetings, the leading rtvik heresy proponents were given the chance to present their ideas to the entire GBC. And a few months ago, there was a lengthy debate on the rtvik heresy on Chakra. So there has been ample opportunity for debate.
One thing was obvious in these debates. There were two quite different understandings about Prabhupada's desires for the continuation of the disciplic succession. And it was necessary to decide between them. So after all sides were heard, the GBC, which was appointed by Srila Prabhupada to resolve managerial and philosophical questions in ISKCON, gave a decision.
And that decision, based on careful study of guru, shastra, and sadhu, is that Prabhupada expected his disciples to become initiating gurus. If you feel the decision was wrong, we advise you to approach the GBC about it privately.
We remind you that publicly promoting the rtvik heresy in violation of GBC rules is grounds for denial of permission to enter ISKCON property, at the discretion of the local temple management. For some time, you have been allowed to attend the New Dvaraka temple functions, even though your commitment to the rtvik heresy is well known, on the understanding that you do not create a public disturbance. We regard your recent letter as a violation of that understanding. In the near future, the temple board will invite you to a meeting so we can discuss this violation.
We have also considered your suggestions for rearranging the temple program.
Over the years, many variations on the temple schedule have been proposed and/or tried. Each has its pros and cons, but on considering all the options, we prefer to keep the current schedule.
Hoping this finds you well.
Your servants,
Svavasa dasa Nirantara dasa Badrinarayan dasa Mayapur Sasi dasa Bhagavata Krpa dasa Rabindranatha dasa Govinda Datta dasa Ratna Bhusana dasa Amala Bhakta dasa Kriya Shakti Dasi Drutakarma dasa Brigupati dasa Arcita dasa Sura dasa
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