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ISKCON Attends Religious Minority Hearing In Germany

Germany (VNN) - In contrast to the non-representation of Vaishnavas at the recent Senate Hearings in Washington, D.C. USA (see also VNN story #1045) Nikhilananda Prabhu reports:

"ISKCON devotees from Germany Hariballabha, Arcana and Parivadi Prabhu of ISKCON Communications Europe attended an official public hearing by the enquette commission at the German Bundestag in Bonn, which at present examines the situation of religious minorities in Germany, on behalf of ISKCON earlier this year, in January 97."

"They received a lot of positive feedback from politicians and experts in the field of human rights and religions in Germany. ISKCON avoids getting associated with Scientology for many reasons. ISKCON Germany has successfully participated in practically all hearings and conferences on the topic of religious persecution and the planned new laws on religious minorities during the last 2 years. A few days ago, from 12th - 14th of Nov 97, ISKCON representatives attended the conference for intercultural understanding in Berlin, visited by German President Werner Herzog, to which ISKCON was officially invited. ISKCON is not isolated in this area and has won much recognition in the field of public dialogue on religious rights. ISKCON does not support the confrontation course of groups like Scientology but builds on constructive dialogue with churches and the government."


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