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"Frankenstein" Reincarnated

London, UK (VNN) - Evidence of Kali Yuga rapidly progressing can be found in last weeks Sunday Times (UK). The newspaper reports that british scientists have created headless frogs and consider creating headless humans to grow replacement organs for humans.

The London Sunday Times reports (10/19/97):

"Jonathan Slack, professor of developmental biology at Bath University and a leading embryologist, says he can now create headless frog embryos relatively easily by manipulating certain genes. Using the technique, he has been able to suppress not only development of a tadpole's head, but also its trunk and tail. Under current Home Office rules, they are not considered animals until they are a week old, when they have to be destroyed.

He said the breakthrough could be applied to human embryos because the same genes perform similar functions in both frogs and humans.

Using intact cloned human embryos to grow organs would be out of the question because they would have to be killed and this would be equivalent to murder, Slack said.

"It occurred to me a half-way house could be reached. Instead of growing an intact embryo, you could genetically reprogramme the embryo to suppress growth in all the parts of the body except the bits you want, plus a heart and blood circulation," he said.

Slack's ideas have angered some academics. Professor Andrew Linzey, an animal ethicist at Oxford University, denounced his research.

"This sort of thinking beggars belief. It's scientific fascism because we would be creating other beings whose very existence would be to serve the dominant group. It is morally regressive to create a mutant form of life," Linzey said.

Other scientists, however, support Slack in raising the profile of such controversial research, which is described for the first time in a BBC2 Horizon documentary this week."

Only VNN comment: No need to create headless humans. There are already enough headless humans today posing as scientist.


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