VNN Americas - Transcendental Andean Pact (PAT)

© 1998 VNN


09/01/1998 - 2109

Transcendental Andean Pact (PAT)


The attending members commit themselves to support morally, spiritually and materially the following goals and projects sketched herewith

1.- PAT is not an institution, but a shared effort for the sake of awakening every citizen's consciousness.

2.- PAT Proclaims a consciousness of simple living and high thinking.

3.- PAT aspires to create a vegetarian consciousness along the continent with the scope of establishing a society freed from unnecessary violence against our junior brothers, the animals.

4.- To develop framework and educate people meant to purify and heal society, inspiring it to acquire higher values.
5.- Deliver a kind of education founded in cooperativism along with universal spiritual values.
6.- Help to eliminate prejudice and sectarianism arising from materialist religions, that harm the natural progress of the individual.
7.- Develop programs meant for proper nutrition, as organic crops and other discoveries achieved by modern ecology science.
8.- Research towards a more natural, ecological and inexpensive building construction, as taught in Vastu-sastra.
9.- Create decentralized structures as possible, able to generate qualified leadership in every rank-and-file of society at large.
10.- Restore and support self-sufficiency in social communities.
11.- Support the brotherhood of the continent, to suppress the harassment suffered nowadays in many borders.
12.- Applaud the participation of all communities of groups or individuals in naturally descentralized management, through self sufficiency and generation of micro-enterprises to prevent the influence of monopolies.
13.- Support the development of art and culture oriented towards an expansion of universal consciousness.
14.- Create justice in the environment of work, to check the threat to the rights of nature and its inhabitants, entitled to attain a more dignified and pleasant lifestyle.
15.- Promote voluntary civic participation, in every field of action and emergency.
16.- Support freedom of cult and expression.
17.- Distribute materials whether literary, acoustic, visual or through any other technological means, not contrary to the principles established by PAT.
18.- Promote the free availability of drinking water, ecological sanitation facilities and rest areas everywhere and for public use.
19.- Create ecological consciousness towards reforestation and prohibition to native floral species exploitation, both in public and private property.
20.- Support and promote the use and production of natural products and craftsmanship.
21.- Give impulse and protection to purity in men and women leading society, as well as detachment from egoistic aims.
22.- Struggle for the sake of an increased dignity of women both materially and spiritually.
23.- Create women's ashrams in order to support them and educate them in spiritual love.
24.- Give support and guidance to single mothers.
25.- Give advice and inspiration to married women.
26.- Provide facilities for widows and renunciate women.
27.- PAT rejects any unnecessary kind of violence towards mother earth or any living being, be it through the media of chemical, biological or nuclear experimentation, violent sports or other activities offensive to dignity and health.
28.- PAT promotes cultural exchange amongst its members and related communities of Europe, America, India, etc.
29.- PAT fans the spark of cultural, artistic and educational eco-tourism.
30.- PAT supports formation and support of families, unity in family and responsible sexual dealings.
31.- PAT stimulates in people the knowledge through which a sense of responsibility is developed on every action performed.
32.- PAT delivers also knowledge revealing the identity of the self, understanding both, pre-existence and post-existence.
33.- Ancient cultures spoke about the self as an eternal individual entity, explaining apparent injustice in terrestrial life as a result of personal activities performed in previous lives. They saw human life as a chance to rectify, purify and realize oneself.
34.- The modern vision of consumerist life that ignores the existence of additional responsibilities, destroys every capacity to morale and sacrifice spirit. PAT rejects superficial speculative concepts that threaten social and individual well-being, and the mystical traditional values of people.
35.- PAT accepts those values of the past, present and future that are truthful and don't harm anybody.
36.- PAT co-operates with local and international organisms that promote some or all PAT's values.
37.- PAT promotes meditation and literature studies oriented towards self-realization.
38.- PAT issues the proposal to create a web-page in internet as a database for its members and sympathisers.
Signed on the Sun Island, Titikaka lake, Bolivia, on June 21st, 1998 by the leaders attending the First Transcendental Andean Vaisnava Mela.


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