WORLD November 24, 1998 VNN2550 See Related VNN Stories Bhakti Vikasa Swami Answers Conspiracy Charge BY BHAKTI VIKASA SWAMI
USA, Nov 24 (VNN) This letter is in response to a recent posting on VNN by theso-called Ardhabuddhi Das (ABD) about a supposed conspiracy against women(which I saw in multiple postings on Com by some Bhakta from Europe).Actually, in Vedic culture, and in decent families even today, seniors don'targue before juniors, and juniors don't challenge seniors. Seniors settle(or maintain) their differences privately--which was a reason I preferredthe secrecy of GHQ. The idea was to tactfully approach various GBC membersand present our concerns to them, rather than make a public dogfight.
Actually, I withdrew from GHQ three weeks ago and wasn't following the textsin it for some weeks before that. Although I accept that it is addressinggrave areas of concern, I left it to others to deal with. Like otherleaders in our movement (yes, I am some kind of a leader), I don't have timeto get involved in every controversy that comes around. Nevertheless, myname is there as a member of GHQ, and, in light of the outcry against it,several devotees have asked me to clarify my position. Hence this letter.
The outcry is fueled by ABD's portrayal of GHQ. ABD accuses GHQ members ofselectively quoting Srila Prabhupada, but ABD has selectively quoted GHQtexts and added his (or more likely, her) own biased and inflammatorycommentary to paint GHQ in the worst possible light. ABD lambasts GHQ forits secrecy, yet having publicly revealed private correspondence (which isin itself questionable), ABD has deliberately concealed his/her identity(Ardhabuddhi literally means "half-intelligent" and is clearly not the realname of the correspondent). If someone makes public accusations againstothers, they should at least have the guts and decency to say who they are.Failure to do so suggests that the so-called ABD has his or her ownconspiracy or political agenda to demonize GHQ members.
It is true that the rhetoric on GHQ sometimes got out of hand. But byhighlighting that, ABD appears to want to obfuscate the real issues of GHQ'sconcern, which are the cultural direction of our movement, women's roleswithin it, and particularly the malaise of the grhastha-asrama due to thetacit acceptance of divorce and remarriage.
These vital issues have been discussed at length in Ameyatma Prabhu's recentletter posted on VNN. I fully endorse his position, and request that beforeanyone crucifies GHQ members, they read his letter. Whatever else I statehere is subsidiary to what is stated there.
To summarize my position, which I believe is that also of other GHQ members:
I feel that ISKCON should move towards Vedic social values, as discussedelaborately in Srila Prabhupada's books; and that we should be very carefulnot to import ideas from the karmi world.
If anyone wants to know more about the cultural direction I feel ourmovement should be going in, they can read my book, "Glimpses of TraditionalIndian Life," or come with me as I travel in the still somewhat traditionalIndia of today--and find out why I'm convinced, (as Srila Prabhupada was)that Vedic or Indian culture is far superior to that of the West, for allits research scholars and Ph.D's.
Now I'll briefly address 3 points of the GHQ emphasized by ABD.
* "No women in leadership positions"* "Terminating the present Women's Ministry"* "Women not allowed to give classes or lead kirtans"
Although those proposals were posted on GHQ, not all members accepted themas such, and there was much discussion on them. ABD has thus made a biasedand dishonest portrayal of GHQ and has therefore misled the readers ofhis/her text.
ABD has left out the many more moderate texts posted on GHQ. For instance,some members of GHQ (myself included) felt that women can and should giveclasses and preach, but in a way that does not compromise the shyness andchastity that Srila Prabhupada emphasizes as women's most importantqualities.
I have personally encouraged one Godsister (age over 50) to preach and giveclasses, which she often thanks me for doing. But when she was asked togive a Bhagavatam class in the presence of several sannyasis, she hesitatedto do so, and asked my opinion. I advised her not to, as a matter ofetiquette, and she was happy with that.
Another concern of GHQ members is that devotees in positions of authority inISKCON should have morally clean records. The dissatisfaction with theWomen's Ministry was largely due to its being led mostly by divorcees. Thisposition has been explained in detail by Ameyatma Prabhu and I won'telaborate on it further.
GHQ members also feel that, according to Srila Prabhupada's directions andexample, women in ISKCON should not be given positions of leadership. Atlast year's GBC meeting, a member, speaking for the inclusion of women onthe GBC, said (as reported on Chakra): "Don't see what Srila Prabhupada did,think what he would do now." This statement caused much concern to GHQmembers, who felt it could open the doors to unlimited speculation andcompromise.
There was some discussion on GHQ of the past activities of Mother Malati. Iwrote that my experience of her is that she is a nice devotee. But as aGodbrother said to me, "No doubt she is a good devotee, but now she is in ahigh post, it is natural that people will remember her past."
The GHQ discussion of Mother Malati was to bring out the point that leadersof our movement should have no record of moral turpitude. Apparently thereis a GBC rule about this that has not been followed by the GBC in theirappointments of a woman GBC and the Women's Minister. The GHQ was not on awitchhunt against anyone (remember, these texts were private!), but wasconcerned about ethos that was being created by making such appointments.Later a GHQ member who never contributed to the discussion made the pointpublicly about Mother Malati, without consulting any GHQ members, which Ipersonally felt wasn't proper.
Apart from all these unpleasant details, I feel that there are bigger issueshere, as reflected in a text I sent to GHQ, as quoted below. This wasn't apublic criticism, but as ABD has made it public by posting it on VNN, I'llquote it again here.
Text 1729575 (16 lines)From: Bhakti Vikasa SwamiDate: 29-Sep-98 11:53 +0100To: GHQ [8]Subject: Some observations------------------------------------------------------------I recently saw in the Iskcon Communications Journal the transcript of aspeech given at the infamous Iskcon Womens' meet in LA. It presented therights of women in Iskcon according to International Law.
It should be exposed that the feminists are appealing to a totallynon-sastric source: the laws of a demoniac society that supportsdivorce, homosexuality etc. in the name of "equality" and "rights."
That members of our movement can be so "off" and get Gbc support for itis frightening. What is more frightening is the possibility that ourliberated mothers might throw the karmi law book at us and use the clout ofstate law to enforce "womens' rights" in our temples and communities.
It is interesting to note how ICJ and Iskcon World Review (now HareKrsna Today) have systematically promoted within our society the values ofthe secular humanist liberal (i.e. atheistic) "civilization." (end of text)--------------------
The present Women's Ministry and movement in ISKCON appears to be influencedby the demoniac feminism of karmi society, which has been and is a majorfactor in the ongoing moral degeneration of the world.
Feminism is part of the secular, liberal, humanistic and ultimately. Stillworse, feminism is only one manifestation of various atheistic tendenciesinsidiously infiltrating our movement through "higher studies" and New Agespeculations. This is a major discussion that I won't get into here.
As regards calling women "whores": "prostitute" was the word SrilaPrabhupada regularly used to describe women who didn't stick to one husband.So if re-married women in our movement get themselves into the limelight,it's unfortunate but not surprising if such descriptions are remembered.Ameyatma Prabhu has already discussed this in detail and there is no needfor me to repeat what he has stated.
I do not condone the use of other terms like "witches," etc., and have neverused them myself. "No Souls" is so obviously untrue that it may be that theauthor of them was ludicrously overstating his case in jest. After all, itwas a private conference in which decorum is relaxed. It would be better tohave asked he who wrote that what he meant, before making such a huge issueof it and interrogating so many sannyasis about it.
However, it is an unfortunate fact of life, even in our society, thatleaders get all sorts of nasty things said about them--which is anotherreason women shouldn't take leadership roles. They should be protected fromsuch nastiness.
In closing, I'll state that I'm not open to discussion with every Tom, Dickand Sally on these points, but would welcome the GBC setting up a committeeto investigate the cultural direction our movement is heading in, before weglibly ride off down the road of deviation, modernism, and degradation.
Bhakti Vikasa Swami
Editor's note: Bhakti Vikasa Swami wanted to make sure that the above article was published in its entirety and states that he is not a fan of either VNN or Chakra.
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