11/20/97 - 1252
United States President Takes Time To Care
USA (VNN) - Damodar das has recently received a letter from the White
"A couple weeks ago, I wrote an E-Mail to Hillary Clinton, about
the difficulties in Russia, where the people's religious freedom
of choice has, once again, been severely limited. I used my "western"
name for some reason. Next day, was the typical, automated response.
A couple days ago I got a letter from The While House.
Typed, with signature in ink at the bottom:
(start letter)
November 4, 1997
Dear Wade,
Thank you for sharing your concern about human rights with Hillary.
She has referred your letter to me.
The promotion of democracy and human rights serves as a cornerstone
of my Administration's foreign policy. We seek to help ensure
that citizens of all countries benefit from the kinds of personal
freedoms that Americans so greatly value.
I appreciate your interest.
(sig) Bill Clinton
(end letter)"
VNN has received several complaints from devotees worldwide regarding
reaching ISKCON leaders via email. In contrast this is the reply
some devotees get when emailing to ISKCON leaders:
"<<< 550 <xxxx.acbsp@com.bbt.se> does not want any messages from
"<<< 554-mail.bbt.se has rejected your message
<<< 554-because our filter refuses messages from <xxxx@domain.com>".
Let's see, how many people potentially can write email to Bill
or Hillary Clinton, say 30 Million email users world wide? Compare
that to maybe the few hundred who actually will write to ISKCON
It is interesting to see how the president of the United States
and his wife manage to respond to email sent to them by perfect
strangers. ISKCON leaders in turn don't seem to find the time
or interest to respond to members of their own spiritual "family".
Could ISKCON leaders learn something from these "horrible, no-good
karmi leaders"?